About to flower...Should i transplant??


Hello friends! Im about to flower my kids really soon here but im not sure if i should transplant from 3 gallon buckets to 5 gallon buckets! Could they make it all the way with 3 gallon buckets???


Active Member
Honestly you want to give the root as much room as possible to grow and spread out. I personally do the same as you. I veg in 3 gallons and then about a week before I make the switch I transplant to 5 gallon air pot. Your roots are the most important part of anything on the plant so take care of them and they will take care of you. :)


Active Member
...what's your plant medium?

...in any case...

...you'll be fine, unless you have a plant that takes longer to flower (e.g. 70+days). roots have a way to curl into spaces you didn't know existed (pun intended). from my experience, strains with longer flowering times require that necessary space...
i have a plant in soil in a 3 gallon flower pot lst'd and been there outside since late march and is very thick and bushy with about 12-14 side shoot plants and is now showing white pistils going into flower! even with the lsting the outer shoots are about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall each and covered with white pistils.on the other hand i have another plant in a 4 gallon tote bubbler using only 2 gallons of water thats only about 1&1/2 months old in a full size fridge grow thats already 3 feet tall as well and super cropped and is also showing further into flower with pre flowers and pistils but is only in 3" net pot !lol. anythings possible and goes to show if you stay on top of it that bubbler dwc grows are much faster for sure but i only grow for personal use so i try everything.