Abrogate Prohibition Michigan now online at MichICAN dot us...


Well-Known Member

This is a Michigan Based website dedicated to all information relating to cannabis beyond the legalized recreational dope information, and most importantly, why Michigan needs to REPEAL Prohibition over legalizing recreational marihuana.

This will be the home webforum for the Repeal of Prohibition in Michigan 2016.

I have a section all set up for anyone in Michigan, in whatever county you are in, or can work in, ready for people to start to volunteer in their County to collect Voter Signatures to put the Petition on the Ballot in Michigan 2016.

If you are a Michigander, and see the need to REPEAL prohibition, instead of kicking the can 80 more years down the road with Legalized Recreational Dope, then Join www.MichICAN.us.

You can also find us on Facebook here:

Email at

And now you can listen and even join into the conversation Nightly at 9pm to 11pm EST, on the Blog Talk Radio Network here: