Absolute basic nutrients for Coco grow.


New Member
A thousand salutations to all y'all.

I'll make this really short and quick; What are the absolute basic foods you can give your plants growing in Coco peat/perlite mix to have them produce nice n healthy buds.

PS. To give a context for this question, i'm in Pakistan where you don't necessary get a smashing variety of food and sups. Basic soluble ferts are available to the indoor grower and even some hydroponic foods, if you're lucky, since indoor growing isn't really huge here.


Well-Known Member
Youre using a soilless mix so whatever you get will need to provide the plants with everything. Most hydro nutrient brands have a basic lineup with a 2 part or 3 part that should be adequate, the bottles will say "micro, grow and bloom" or "A" and "B". Not sure if those are available to you but thats what people usually use for a coco/perlite mix


New Member
Hey Bustin..
So what i gather is that the key is to treat it as a hydro grow and use appropriate nutes. My local store does have a 2 part hydro feed. Not too sure what's in it though but i'll go again and have a closer look.


Well-Known Member
I use Advanced Nutrients PH perfect base nutes and AN Cal/Mag mixed in RO water it's easy peazy.. I know it says on the AN base nutes that you don't need cal/mag but I've found that when using coco it doesn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow bloom booster(can be used at any stage) and Epson....gives 16 essential nutes in a good ratio at any stage....6 us dollars...that's as basic as it gets


Active Member
Why dont you tell us what you have available, and we'll tell you if it can work. Or just order online man. You're already using the internet.


New Member
Hey sorry for the delay in getting back to this, been totally swamped with family and the newborn.

Right so over here in Pakistan i can get my hands on Vitax soluble fert. with all sorts of NPK combos. CAL/MAG sups are a bit tough to come across, haven't seen them yet….

Orchid food's there as well as some Seaweed extract (of which i got a bottle). The store i get my stuff from also has a hydroponic A+B formula. Im still waiting on the media on that though since the shopkeeper has redistributed the original tubs he got into smaller batches (mo money).

So yeah, that's what i have here.

Of the above i use soluble fert. of 20-20-20 NPK (Getting one with relatively more nitrogen soon) mixed with organic seaweed every other day, and well.. that's about it. Like i said, CAL/MAG is a bit tough to come by so I'm looking for a homemade solution.

Some pics of the three babies into their 4th week. You might see some scarring and yellowing from the time they were originally planted in sphagnum, before i transplanted them into Coco-Perlite. Seem to be thriving in the new stuff.

Appreciate the feedback guys.
