Accident Caused 36 Hour Darkness Period


Help guys! One of my friends was transporting plants, and they were left in a period of darkness for a full day. It's day 2 of the darkness (approximately 36 hours, getting dark in 5-6 hours).

Should the plants be put outside for the last 5-6 hours of the day? Should they be artificially put under light for 18 hours? What is the best thing that I can do to reduce the amount of stress put on the plants?

Green Love

Well-Known Member
Two or Three days may not hurt your plants, may even give your plants a boost in growth. Might wanna do 12/12 now, lol. Either way. If, your plants were normally outside they might experience a dark period - like a thunderstorm, or a gloomy day. Where would you like to grow your plant out at?


Plants were grown outside for about a 4-6 weeks now. Foot and a half tall. Yes, I can either put them inside or outside.

Will I have to flower them now? I wanted to leave them outside until September, hoping for 4-6ft, but if flowering now is the only option then I'll have to take it.