The new regulations remove personal storage limits for patients. Like any adult Canadian, they can store as much cannabis as they want at home.
Public possession limits remain the same for authorized patients who are registered with a federally licensed seller or with Health Canada:
- The lesser of 150 grams or a 30-day supply of dried cannabis (or the equivalent in cannabis product) in addition to the 30 grams allowed for non-medical purposes
Those authorized to access cannabis for medical purposes
must be prepared to show they are legally allowed to possess more than 30 grams (or equivalent) in public, if requested by law enforcement. This can be done by showing:
- Their registration document issued by a federally licensed seller
- Their registration certificate issued by Health Canada for personal or designated production
- Their registration certificate issued by Health Canada for possession only
- This new registration for possession only is available to meet the needs of those choosing to access their supply of cannabis for medical purposes exclusively from a provincial or territorial authorized retail outlet or authorized online sales platform
Health Canada information about the medical use of marihuana with links to patient and health professional information, advisory committee, law enforcement issues and stakeholder statistics
to summarize, if you can grow it, you can sow it. If you can sow it, then you can store it.