ACMPR Question


Well-Known Member
I need to decide whether to renew my Acmpr. Are there any advantages to being registered other than plant count (like posession limits)?


Well-Known Member
The new regulations remove personal storage limits for patients. Like any adult Canadian, they can store as much cannabis as they want at home.
Public possession limits remain the same for authorized patients who are registered with a federally licensed seller or with Health Canada:
  • The lesser of 150 grams or a 30-day supply of dried cannabis (or the equivalent in cannabis product) in addition to the 30 grams allowed for non-medical purposes
Those authorized to access cannabis for medical purposes must be prepared to show they are legally allowed to possess more than 30 grams (or equivalent) in public, if requested by law enforcement. This can be done by showing:
  • Their registration document issued by a federally licensed seller
  • Their registration certificate issued by Health Canada for personal or designated production
  • Their registration certificate issued by Health Canada for possession only
    • This new registration for possession only is available to meet the needs of those choosing to access their supply of cannabis for medical purposes exclusively from a provincial or territorial authorized retail outlet or authorized online sales platform

to summarize, if you can grow it, you can sow it. If you can sow it, then you can store it. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks! So if im medical and registered with an Lp but not with ACMPR i should be able to carry more than 30g provided I have other evidence of being medical (like a card or a letter from my dr). I dont have the space for more than 4 plants so i was wondering what the advantages are.


Well-Known Member
I need to decide whether to renew my Acmpr. Are there any advantages to being registered other than plant count (like posession limits)?
truthfully.... yer better of doin your own thing
being registered will see your INS for car house etc GO UP being a med pot person..
bunch of crap really.
Yer better off doin your own thing like ALWAYS and NOT TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT IT everyone is allowed to grow so WHO IS COUNTING PLANTS??
NO BODY thats there is NO PROBLEM and IF you are sick you have a day in court to prove your way..simple shit either way
DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO IN THE MEAN TIME until THEY FIGURE IT things stand long as you havea legit illness backed up by your G you have a case No need to be part of the fiasco..


Well-Known Member
"being registered will see your INS for car house etc go up"

Yes i thought about that too. I'll probably just let my acmpr expire.


Well-Known Member
one way or anther ..everyone is gonna want a part of this BS ....INS will demand to know your medical history.. Home INS will bug ya for growing more than 4 plants lol..spouting off about HD lighting when we already have it in our homes ..A certified electrician is ALL THAT'S REQUIRED!

As for plant count...who the fuck is counting..and if you are OVER..its a friggin FINE :lol: no one is going to friggin jail for growing a few fuckng PLANT S :lol:

Man this shit is right out in left field with THEIR THINKING! ...:lol:


Well-Known Member
If you have the former MMpr or MMar paperwork ...should be all you need to prove your need....
Having to continually register year after year .... when you have chronic illnesses and or terminal illnesses is ridiculous...

Most people could look after their own personal health needs with growing 4 outdoor clones ...each one producing multiple pounds.
they are quite easy to grow unless your space is ultra limited.
Of course a friend with property....can also help...