Actual Medical Uses that people do on RollItUp


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i thought i would list things that i found to be useful to use marijuana as a medicine instead of just recreation.

now don't get me wrong, i use it for personal recreation:joint::hump:. but i have found a few instances where it really works well as a medicine.

here are some:
My wife has lyme disease, she uses it to calm the nerve pinching pains in her legs, helps with her apetite at times, and helps with lack of sleep (she smokes like a couple bowls out of the bong and hits the hay) since she wakes up frequently the effects of weed help this.

i know it's kinda lame that i use for recreation and she uses for medical, but it's something we share together as a couple.

my uses are:
before going to the dentist (cleaning, cavities, etc)
when sick it helps calm my stomach so i can eat a little (but don't take too big of hits cuz then it can get into your stomach (like burping) and that upsets it even more)
helps take the edge off of bad headaches
dimenishes feeling of strained muscles, ie workout a lot and smoke and chill after

that's all i can think of right now. but i am very interested in hearing what others on RIU use it medically for.



Well-Known Member
yes our lovely plant friend marijuana can do many wonders other than just make us feel good

my mom is recovering breast cancer patient, and while she was in chemo she would come home really sick and just looking like hell, my mom is 55 now and she hasnt smoked pot since she went to college in the late 70's back when the strongest shit they had was like sum schawg to us nowadays.

everytime i would take her home after chemo she would look SO horrible and just would groan in pain, plus my mom is very sensitive to things like phentanol or oxycotin or perks or any other pain killers they give to cancer patients and most of the time when she took one of these it would just have her throwing it all back up later

so finally i got some really good chronic from a friend, probably around 15 % thc, the stuff was super crhystally, i think it was amsterdam flame? not sure tho cant remember, anyways it took a lot of convincing for her to hit the pipe, but trust me once she felt how much better it made her feel she couldnt stop raving about it, asking why its not legal for medicinal purposes saying she was moving to cali so she could get a med card.

also it always helps me with upset stomachs and headaches and what not, PLUS AFTER A LONG DAY AT WORK dealing with the STUPIDEST people ever put on gods creation its something to look forward too as the day comes to an end and just really helps me relax and take a step back before i start looking to far into my life.

but it helped my mom get through chemotherapy and SHOULD Definatley be allowed to be used by chronic pain sufferers legally


Well-Known Member
It's great at making you feel better on an Extacy come down....does that count?
hahaha, thats true, it helps alot, im pigeon toed, so i have twisted shin bones that make my knees point out instead of foward, the knee pain is killer, but im glad i live in CALI :hump:


Well-Known Member
haha coke head!

no im a pot head through and through, just ocasionally, pretty much just when it falls in my lap, (i have bad friends)

but i havent touched that shit in like 3 months now

i like to experiment with ALL drugs, see what effect they cause and how my body reacts to it, ive tried everything atleast once
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Well-Known Member
I use it to subdue chronic dibilitating pain in my foot and ankle due to a permanent work injury I received about 2.5 years ago.


Well-Known Member
I have chronic shoulder problems....I have bone issues in my chest that make my shoulders sit in a bad possition, which I constantly fight to correct(mom always said posture is important) And too make matters worse I've torn my rotator cuff in both shoulders in the past. It helps take the pain away for me.


Well-Known Member
got my card for chronic nausea and insomnia...

they might be taking insomnia off the list for medical uses. Which is ludicrous, its the best sleep aid around. Lots of the sleeping pills make me sick and groggy in the morning, or just dont work.

I hope that eventually the list becomes HUGE..... showing cannabis' true potential for therapeutic uses.

A good thing i heard at the doctors was: from 2001-2007 there were about 5,000 cards issued. And then in the past 4-5 months there have been about 6,000 cards issued....

the more people that get them, the less time before it becomes legal


Well-Known Member
got my card for chronic nausea and insomnia...

they might be taking insomnia off the list for medical uses. Which is ludicrous, its the best sleep aid around. Lots of the sleeping pills make me sick and groggy in the morning, or just dont work.

I hope that eventually the list becomes HUGE..... showing cannabis' true potential for therapeutic uses.

A good thing i heard at the doctors was: from 2001-2007 there were about 5,000 cards issued. And then in the past 4-5 months there have been about 6,000 cards issued....

the more people that get them, the less time before it becomes legal


Well-Known Member
Harvested cloudy, with few amber, if any, weed seems to have brought me out of a 5-10 year bout of suicidal depression AND, in my case anyway, it's erased any desire to drink alcohol, which I swilled for 3 decades. Also harvested this way seems to inspire me to action, be it some unpleasant chore or in songwriting, which I've done all my life, except the last 5-10 years. I'm retired and would have nothing to look forward to if I didn't have my daily buzzing around!
I've got narco-meds out the yinyang, but only pot does anything for me, as opposed to to me.
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