Actually about planting in August


Active Member
Okay, maybe not that late in the season, but what is the latest you can plant outdoors? I would assume that there would be a loss in size, perhaps potency, but risk would be diminished (in that less time outside).

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
It all depends on when you receive frost in your area.

Back out the weeks from that date...keeping in mind your flower time...and that is the latest you can sit em out and see em finish.

Say..oct 1 is first frost. 8 week strain...

Aug 1 would be the latest you could set em out with that strain and have em finish.

The good thing is that they will flower immediately if set out that late. They will be smaller..obviously..and the yields will be less..but a 2 ft plant is easier to hide than a 10 ft you may come out OK over the guy who started earlier..tended it all year..then watched the rippers get it as it crested up/over the rest of the foilage in the area like a beacon in the night.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Im waiting for FDD to make a strain that can withstand frost, snow, blizzards, and grow right threw the winters. Im sure alot of growers would like this, and if he could make it white, such as a whitewidow, it would blend in nice as well : ) Fdd will do it, just you wait :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
more pics.

these were started as clones, 6" tall "martian mean green". placed outside late july early august. i'm in california but we did have early cold fronts. harvest was over by the end of OCT.
i don't know..... they just took off!!!!

hey jack, that's a snowman!!


Well-Known Member
i hope to find this strain again this summer. martian mean green remember that name. it won some kinda cup last year. another good one was "chemo". i don't have pics of it(sorry) but i got clones of it in june and by the end of august early SEPT. it was done. it started flower as soon as i got them. they could have been clones from a flowering plant, i don't know. they got about 2' each and yielded 5 ounce off 2 plants. some of the tightest denses nuggets of outdoor i've ever seen. dried to a dark brown color. i still have a little left. it was that good.


Active Member
Im considering starting an outdoor grow, but my plants woulndt be in the ground untill late may early june (they would be veg'd indoors for a few weeks first). First frost in my area is 50% october 15. Based on this thread I seem to be in good shape for a decent grow season. Am i right or wrong?


Active Member
Cool, that's exactly what I was looking for. I'm thinking about ordering online for the first time, and planting later to keep it shorter - and try and adapt my current bagseed babies I have growing - they've been inside 3 weeks, but I'm getting ready to stick 'em outside in my garden - we shall see what transpires. If the bagseed gets too tall, I can bend, or even clip - and not feel too guilty as a potent white widow grows a few feet away. Once again, much thanks.