adding 2nd Incline fan/filter to grow tent

Hello folks,

I just recently finished my first indoor grow with using 1 incline fan inside the grow tent blowing air out. I am wondering would ya'll recommend a second incline fan/filter blowing air into the tent? if so why what would be the added benefits for that reasoning since I didn't necessarily notice anything wrong with just the one.

Thanks in advance.
the way this works have an extract fan blowing out
leaving the inlet passive so it sucks from all over the house

many growers have wasted money over this avoid if poss

good luck
You don't really need one in a smaller tent, you can just make sure the tent is sealed except for one single vent for air in, but you'll want to make sure the fan is always on and pulling enough air that none of the smell will exit the intake vent.

I am using an intake and exhaust fan's taken a bit of work as has been mentioned above. You need the exhaust to be stronger than the intake so there's always some negative pressure in the tent so no smell escapes.

I'm using one because it becomes a quicker easier way to work the atmosphere in the room. Both fans up and down can quickly vent the heat from my tent and I can keep that relatively even once I've found the fan speed that balances the temperature points I want.