Adding a 2nd incline fan/filter in tent

Hello folks,

I just recently finished my first indoor grow with using 1 incline fan inside the grow tent blowing air out. I am wondering would ya'll recommend a second incline fan/filter blowing air into the tent? if so why what would be the added benefits for that reasoning since I didn't necessarily notice anything wrong with just the one.

Thanks in advance.
Hello folks,

I just recently finished my first indoor grow with using 1 incline fan inside the grow tent blowing air out. I am wondering would ya'll recommend a second incline fan/filter blowing air into the tent? if so why what would be the added benefits for that reasoning since I didn't necessarily notice anything wrong with just the one.

Thanks in advance.
Most likely not needed, if smell is a issue, you want a bit of neg pressure and utilize the carbon scrubber. If heat was a issue, exchanging air would help. If that was the case, I would up my exhaust and still just use passive intakes or, control the room the air is exchanging from better.