Adding Nutrients For The First Time.


Hi, my babies are around 3 weeks old and I am about to start adding nutrients real soon. But I want to make sure they are mature enough. How many tiers do they need for me to start adding half strength solution? One of them already has about three and going on fourth tier but the other two are in the middle of their third tier. I am using happy frog soil if that means anything also. Another question of mine is when i do start adding nutrients, should i transplant the kids into new and bigger buckets of fresh soil or just keep the same buckets for a few weeks? (the buckets are only about 6 to 7 inches in diameter and 6 to 7 inches deep)


Well-Known Member
just a little compost tea and roots accelerator, maybe liquid karma, the yucca extract helps prevent stress. transplanting is always good if your roots are bound up.
Yeah you can start adding nutes when the first 7 finger leaf is on your plant . Transplant your Babies into much larger pots like 20 liter or a 5 gallon pot with fresh soil . hope this helps

Happy Smoking

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i start nutes when i see green fading. then add 1/4 strength solution and watch plant reaction. i continue this for a week then flush, then start on 1/3 strength and watch it again for a week, if no burn/stunting occurs. im safe at 1/3 strength feeding schedule.
I started adding nutes when the cotyledon leaves (original leaves) begin to shrivel. This is usually about a month in.


Well-Known Member
to many growers make the mistake of feeding there plants when their plants done even need it.dont start feeding to early or u will have problembs down the track"in soil".

as indicaman just said , feed when your plants tell you they are hungry.