Adding T5's to a 400w HID - Worth it? Input needed


Just yesterday put 4x14w 3100k T5 flouros (2' or 601cm) to accompany my 400w CMH. I am one month into flower and they are progressing nicely. The T5's are ~3-5" from the tops (I LST'd to keep the canopy as even as possible) and the CMH is ~9" away from the tops. I have the 400w CMH in the middle. Is this extra 60w (3200 lumens) worth it?

The clones are in the middle right under the CMH and my two big ladies are hit both by the T5's and cmh. The T5's are a little further to the sides and do not block much light at all from the cmh. Plus I turn my plants ~2x/week.

Will my yield be increased versus no T5's?



New Member
if i was to add a light to your set up i would add a 150 or 250 regular halide for uvb and blue spectrum, or hps for red spectrum either way would work cmh is a very balanced light adding flouro is really unnecessary i would use them fro cutting or germinating seeds.


Well-Known Member
people use the cmh for more then just the blue spectrum it puts off more UVB then a regular MH and a cmh puts off full spectrum