Additional Nutrients


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I'm currently using Flora Nova Grow and Bloom, but I was wondering what else you recommend that I can use in addition with the bloom? I've had my eye on the "Big Bud" nutrient, the pic is a big green bud with a smiley face or whatever... Is that stuff any good? Can it be used along with my bloom?
Anything else would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
yeah man, big bud works good. Use it weeks 2-4 of flower or 2-5 if you have a longer flower time. Also get the powder, you get more for your money


Well-Known Member
:hump: and after week 5 you can use something like "Overdrive" from Advanced or "Top shooter" from House and garden cause your plants don't stop growing until you chop them !


Well-Known Member
I'll read up on those two, thanks again. Do you know much about other products like "Bud Candy" or other lines from Advanced? I've decided to finish this grow using just my Flora Nova, but next grow I'd like to try something else but not too too much cause I like the simplicity of the one part nutrient so really I might only add one more thing besides the Nova. If you were me, what would you use and why?


Well-Known Member
A lot of Advanced Nutrients product are mediocre at best. You don't need half of the shit they are selling. budcandy is just a sweetener. i've never used and trust me it wont make your nug taste any sweeter than another companies.

I would personally scrap the 1 part and go for a two or three part base. 2 part (A and B) or 3 part (Grow micro Bloom) .

Advanced Nutrients has some good stuff but they are way to expensive. I am using them right now but will switch after this harvest. next run I'm going with "Cutting Edge Solutions." You should look into them. They are a good company and are not that expensive. If you need any help with anything just message me. !!


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks a lot man, I'll look them up tomorrow after work. Thanks again for the replies, I'll get back to you with some more questions once I do some reading haha