admendment 20 and outside grow info


Well-Known Member
Hi I'm back its been a while and springs here.
I'm very intersted to know how
The law works with outside grows ?
I'm interested in just growing in
Our fenced backyard no greenhouse
Kinda over the whole fort knox lock and key
Ish as ill bring these out at dawn and bring in at dusk any help and guidence would help.
I have been told by dispensary owners, that under state law, not gonna get into local law, you can grow outdoors as long as it's inaccessible and locked. I'm sure there are some legal terms that define that shit but essentially a tall fence that is locked will work.
I think the only reason Leo says its illegal as they do not want to be responsible for stolen weed. Imagine how much of a head ache it'd be for them to try and sort out stolen meds...
Yeah dude as long as you have a locking fence you will be good to go :bigjoint:

To be technical and/or completely legal you need a locking structure with a roof on it (so most cases a greenhouse) but IMO this is a dumb law considering you just need a pair of scissors to break into most greenhouses..actually not even that much, just your two hands.. Best of luck!