Adoption: Specifics Unknown


Active Member
So this bloke i know had 2 unkown strains offered to him or they were getting turned into mulch. He naturally did the sane thing and adopted them.
He is unsure of the age and recieved them with slight to medium yellowish leaves. They were being grown in a tent under lights with fans but specifics unkown inc growing medium.
They are now being grown in a tomato greenhouse which is closed up during the day and opened up late arvo until the next morning.
They got a good feeding of Scott's pure organic premium seaweed plant food and a week later they have turned nice and green and he feels they have started to flower. Any indication of a rough age?
He has been scrolling through these forum's and will continue to do so as he wants the best experience growing these beauties and would like to share it.
I will post some photos when i get to a pc tonight.
