Advanced Indoor Growing Techniques...

[HR][/HR]Hi. I'm in the process of writing a screenplay, and it involves the main character building a grow room and producing Grade A weed. Can anybody send me in the right direction so that I can learn about more advanced growing techniques?

I need info that will help me show how skilled the main character is at growing.

Thanks a million.


Active Member
You could use the way he grows to express some of the characters personality. Different types of growers would give the audience different impressions. It's a very different person that grows using an elaborate hydroponic system, with pumps, resovoirs, ph meters, and complicated chemcial nutrient programs than one that grows in an organic soil, keeps a worm compost bin, collects rain water, and fights pest with lady bugs. Whatever fits your character better. Advanced growing techniques to maximize yield include training a plant to grow horizontally to help the light reach more of the plant (LST, scrog,) or cutting off parts of the plant to increase growth elsewhere (topping,FIM, mainlining, lollipop) and then theres the SOG method which can be used to continually harvest plants. Search any of these terms and you'll find plenty of info on them.


Active Member
lol, this reminds me of the show "Weeds" where they tried to make the son look like a "pro" grower because he said "Advanced Nutrients" a lot. He did try to use growing terms from time to time also but they only served to highlight his lack of any growing knowledge as he generally misused them in one way or another.

In your case, i would defiantly try not to use any specific company or product names. I would demonstrate his understanding of sprouting seeds, cloning, vegetation period, and flowering period. have him mention the type lights he is using for each (hps, cmh, mh, t5, and led depending)

showing an understanding of those 2 things alone will put him far ahead of any fictional character i have seen on tv.

as georgyboy said, an advanced soil-less system will add to his mystique.


Well-Known Member
Watch some youtube videos about aeroponics and scrog (screen of green). Also, visit some seedbank websites, to learn about crazy hybrids (including auto flower and feminized seeds).