Advanced Nutrient Calculator

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
So I have been using advanced nutes for over a year now. Recently they changed their web site and changed up some of their products. My problem has to do with the nutrient calculator.

To make this easy, lets compare the recommended dosage for first week of bloom for 1L resevoir. Advanced old nutrient calculator calls for 1.23ml of sensi per liter, and gradually increases as the weeks go by. Advanced new nutrient calculator calls for 4ml of sensi per liter and does not increase but remains constant throughout the grow. Thats a 325% increase in recommended dosage of Sensi, not cool.

Can anybody out there make sense of this? Seems rather ridiculous. The sensi a&b have not changed.

Link to old:
Link to new:

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
This definetly should have been posted to the nutrient sub forum. Sorry about that. Wish there was a way to move it...

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Well, I emailed advanced nutes. Dont expect to receive anything back.

Fat Mike is probably to busy drawing cute labels for his products, rather than responding to customer inquiries.

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Added a few things?

Like properly ph'd water for the PH Perfect?

I couldnt find anything saying that it changed, then again with advanced it can be hard to weed through the marketing.

Thanks for the update. Do you know if the label has changed? How exactly would you know which sensi you have, old or new? Any chance you could link me to source?


Active Member
yes they are changing there labels but from what i know they are adding carboload and something else but off the top of my heead i dont remember. and the reason i know they are changing lables is because my local hydro shop that carries it didnt have any left on shelves and i ask what was going on are they getting rid of advance and they said no they are changing there lables and they should have it in soon... hope that helps.


Active Member
So I have been using advanced nutes for over a year now. Recently they changed their web site and changed up some of their products. My problem has to do with the nutrient calculator.

To make this easy, lets compare the recommended dosage for first week of bloom for 1L resevoir. Advanced old nutrient calculator calls for 1.23ml of sensi per liter, and gradually increases as the weeks go by. Advanced new nutrient calculator calls for 4ml of sensi per liter and does not increase but remains constant throughout the grow. Thats a 325% increase in recommended dosage of Sensi, not cool.

Can anybody out there make sense of this? Seems rather ridiculous. The sensi a&b have not changed.

Link to old:
Link to new:
Huh, didn't even notice that before when I was first checking that out.

Of course, I just use what the plants like. I think the calculator is meant to be a guideline, but the fact is that you don't HAVE to do anything. No one is holding a gun to your head and making you follow the nute recipe :)

I'd be interested to see what Advanced says when they see your email. I've actually heard back from them in the back, so I wouldn't give up on hearing a response from em.

I would think that a new calculator might mean that they are incorporating new products in some way, though I haven't really checked out the site in detail. That's my plan today. I saw on another board yesterday that the site was new.

(Of course, anything AN does brings out people that want to knock em down...:wall:)


Active Member
ALL the new products are released if you want to buy them all individually. You can order them right off the advanced nutrient website with the new labels and additives. However, the bundles (which I assume is a cheaper way to buy all of these) will not be out for several months.

Their product wet betty was added to all their base nutrients. Wet betty used to be a wetting agent that they sold individually, it pretty much reduces surface tension in your water, allowing easier uptake of nutrients by your plants. They also added humic and fulvic acids to all their base nutrients, these also used to be individually sold products. And to top it off, they added amino acids to them as well. So the new base nutrients are supposed to be a 5 in 1 product. Also, if you use the new calculator, you supposedly dont have to worry about PH or PPM, the idea is that it takes care of all that for you.

If you have one of the old bottles, I recommend you still use them the exact way you have in the past, as nothings changed. If you get one with the new labels, then I would follow their new calculator. I havent seen any test reports on these new products (though I would love to, may end up doing it myself before too long). Anyway, best of luck with your grow :D