Advanced nutrients when and how much?

Hi guys i have 4 uk cheese under 2 600w hps double cool tube under a scrog screen i have vegged for 6 weeks and am now into the first week of flower im in plagrons special bat soil. Which has enough goodness in to last around 8 weeks if you wasnt to vegge and just flower straight from clone. BUT as i have vegged for 6 weeks the plants have got bigger and therefore used more goodness out of the soil now 1 of my plants are starting to go a lighter green and i think im goin to need to put some of my an connoisuer in. lately last couple of grows i have burnt my plants because i normally just flower and not veg and have started my nutrients early. So my question is should i start to feed now if so how much what ppm do you think? And should i feed then water then feed or do a couple of feeds and then water???


New Member
Hi guys i have 4 uk cheese under 2 600w hps double cool tube under a scrog screen i have vegged for 6 weeks and am now into the first week of flower im in plagrons special bat soil. Which has enough goodness in to last around 8 weeks if you wasnt to vegge and just flower straight from clone. BUT as i have vegged for 6 weeks the plants have got bigger and therefore used more goodness out of the soil now 1 of my plants are starting to go a lighter green and i think im goin to need to put some of my an connoisuer in. lately last couple of grows i have burnt my plants because i normally just flower and not veg and have started my nutrients early. So my question is should i start to feed now if so how much what ppm do you think? And should i feed then water then feed or do a couple of feeds and then water???
hey bud, i would feed, water, feed, water. especially in that soil. i would start off mixing a & b at 400ppm and see how that works. as long as you do not get any tip burn you are doing just fine. if you see tip burn then just stay there (by the time you water and then feed again chances are the plant will need that extra) or maybe back it off 100ppm the next feed. if you see severe tip burn then definitely back it off. then going forward you can bump it up 200ppm every 10 days (every 3rd feed) and see how that works. follow the same tip burn rules. good luck.