advanced watering? what do you do to your water?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious if anyone has any tips or tricks that have to do with watering your babies. I water when the plants need it. I put an airstone in the water for 24 hrs b4 the up coming watering. I water with nutes every other watering and I use general organic nutes. I use the airstone in the water b4 watering because I heard it cleans out the shit that is in tap water ( not to sure on how it works or why it works but I figure it can't cause any harm ). I water with nutes every other watering to reduce salt build up and I use general organics because I wanted to try different nutes; I used bc products last time. And also I have heard flushing plants is bad? Is this true?
All in all how do you water and why do you do it that way?
Your thoughts on flushing?
And for shits and gigs what additives do you use on a regular schedule ex molassis ( not additives that are used only when your girls are sick )
Why why why tell me why you do the things that you do lol thanks and plus rep for good info


Well-Known Member
I let my water sit out over night if i can to evap chlorine....the airstone you are talking about speeds up this process.
I also use general organics lineup and i put a tiny dab of molasses in with every helps to feed benificials in the soil which in turn helps to break down the organic nutrients you just fed.
i also use 1 ml per gal of superthrive per watering just because.....
i feed every other watering as well.
if your using organic nutrients theres no need to flush because theres no salt buildup (from what i understand) and your actually doing more harm than good when flushing.

if you want to get really into it, make a AACT (compost tea) using your general organics and your airstone water, a little molasses and a handfull of earthworm castings or espoma organic garden tone...this will micro brew up thousands of benificial life to add to your soil and will also make some of the nutrition from the General organics fertilizers more readily available.

also if your using general organics but not maintaining good soil biology then your kinda defeating the purpose of using organic plant food.

another thing, if your not using RO water i wouldnt use the CaMG every feeding as it will build up a ton of calcium and MG crud in your soil and harm your plants. the feeding schedule says to use 5ml per gal every feeding but i only use it once in veg and then once in flower and so far so good.

anyways, i urge you to do some research on organics if your going to continue using that nutrient lineup, mainly soil biology and what organic fertilizers are and how they work. They are much different than salt based fertilizers and they have a verry low amount of available nutrition for your plants. you need a good soil ecosystem to break these fertilizers down into usable nutrition. im am working on my second box of the GO box and will be ordering it again when this one runs out...i like the fertilizers and they seem to be keeping my ladies nice and happy.


Well-Known Member
oh and as a quick disclaimer i dont know everything about soil biology, i just know feeding a AACT every so often is recomended to keep soil life at its peak performance.