Advantages of a male plant?


THIS IS MY FIRST GROW, so I decided to do a trial run with some seeds that my brother gave me. out of the four seeds I germinated, only one rooted so I put it in a pot a couple of months ago. I just put it in a 12/12 last sunday. I have also lurked this website alot, but being in the middle of nowhere and having a lousy internet connection turns me off of the computer alot, so if these questions were posted else where then I apoligize.
If it's a male and produces seeds, are those seeds going to be nothing but males? Dare I risk using the seeds from the plant to grow more so should I just go to the head shop in the city near me and get some 'feminized' seeds, or clones?
Also another question, would I be able to use the male plant for ANYTHING? Cooking?

Thanks guys! Anything helps!


Well-Known Member
hahaha male plants only have pollen sacks, you need a female to be pollinated by a male to produce seeds. They will be mixed male and female. And it will have resin on it so u could make some butter/hash but thats about it. Ide say get some beans or clones if u can. umm where do u live bc i dont know any smk shops that sell beans or clones? is it legal by u to grow and buy clones? ur lack of knowledge kinda makes me feel iffy if you should even grow in the first place. knowledge is power.


I live in Canada, and the head shop where I used to live you can buy "feminized" seeds for 10$ a seed, then I have only heard that you can buy clones at the other head shop where I'm from but I haven't checked it out yet.

also, thanks! I've read that before on here, but reading alot of this website at once, you tend to mix some info up.
I would love to spend a day on this website figuring out how to grow amazing bud, but I honestly don't have the time to, which is why I only planted the one plant. I thought of this as a trial and error run though.

Knowledge IS power, which is why I'm asking. but you're right, I'll do more research before asking more questions haha


Well-Known Member
yea sorry to have sounded mean but yea if ya shops have fem seeds go pick them up just keep them away from ur male if u want a seedless plant, but if u do pollinate then no more spending 90$ on 5 seeds.