advice: leaving for 2 weeks


Active Member
whats up guys, so i have everything for my new grow finally and its all ready to go. I was looking through my calendar to make sure that I can be here for most of the time but it looks like toward the end of december that i'll be gone for 2 weeks and won't have anyone else near that can help. do you guys recommend that i just hold on until i come back (where ill be free for a long period of time) or is there a way to slide by this? I would be starting this week if i did start.


Well-Known Member
u got a few choices put in flower asap and harvest a little early or u could try setting a water pump on a timer or if not no choice but wait it sounds like ur not in to much of a hurry then wait til u have the time to do it right
i went on vaction for 10 days had to ask my dad to water my plants surprinsinly he did it but i had to call him on every day they needed water good luck


Well-Known Member
you should try one of those glass auto-watering globe things that i see advertised on tv all the time. i've been wondering if they really work or not...


Well-Known Member
I am in the same situation. I think I am going to say fuck it and give it a go.

I have rigged up a high temp shut off for my light and am thinking about either working out a syatem of drippers/pump/timer or giving this a go Oasis Automatic Houseplant Watering System.

Gotta figure something out. I will not start my prized beans for this run, but it would be nice to come home and see two weeks wort of growth.