Advice needed, clones and mother plant.. *PICS*


Active Member
Just a couple of questions...

I have recently cut (4) clones off of my mother plant, and considering the fact that she is over 3 months old, can I go straight to flowering with the clones after they have established a stable root system?? I know they are only 7-9" tall, but if statistically they "double" in size during the flower stage that would put them just a little under 2 ft. when I pull them. But although I have grown my fair share of plants, I have never taken them full term and flowered them, so I am completely un-familar with that stage of the process, so any input is greatly appreciated.

Second question pertains to my 5.5' mother plant. I have no space for her any longer and would like any/everyone's advice on what to do. I would assume my choices are:

1. Clone the piss out of her and then trash the remainder that is not clone worthy.

2. Clone as much as I can with leaving her still flower-able.

I dont know the limitations on either of my "choices" above" or if there are any additional choices. Thats where you guys/gals come in....

The pics below are the recently cut and potted clones that have all established a decent root system and have been x-planted using "Ocen Forest" and my mother plant. All plants pictured and talked about are 70/30, with 70 being sativa, all using the Fox Farm OF media and FF organic nutes.

Thanks in advance for any and all input, I apologize if I missed anything needed, after all, I am a "newb".



Well-Known Member
u can always cut the mother down, clone or whatever, and you can keep her alive still. I dont know what you plan to do, if its getting to big, just cut her as much as u need to. And you can flower those rooted cuttings like above poster said, but they will be smaller.