advice needed on timers

nath thc

right ive just started my first grow, ive 5 babys under a 600watt h bulb, and am giving them 18-6light at the mo, its no bother being around at the right time to switch on or off but was thinking of getting a timer just to save the little job but then im told i need a CONTACTOR (think thats how ya spell it) but as with all things grow im being told i do need one and by others i dont need one,im told that a contactor goes between the socket and timer, and without it i will just keep blowing the timer, so whats all yourt thoughts...... do i or dont i???? muchos grassyass:-P


Well-Known Member
right ive just started my first grow, ive 5 babys under a 600watt h bulb, and am giving them 18-6light at the mo, its no bother being around at the right time to switch on or off but was thinking of getting a timer just to save the little job but then im told i need a CONTACTOR (think thats how ya spell it) but as with all things grow im being told i do need one and by others i dont need one,im told that a contactor goes between the socket and timer, and without it i will just keep blowing the timer, so whats all yourt thoughts...... do i or dont i???? muchos grassyass:-P
You dont need that.

You need a nice digital timer with a high wattage rating like this one>>

$16.00 YOU CANT BEAT IT!! Good place to order too.

And your off and running :)

Good luck!! :)


Well-Known Member
yeah man, just go too walmart..(if you in canada..) or somewhere equivelnnt in the states...
and pic up one for around 20$
and it has a back up battery to save the times if power goes out..

i grabbed one, there a lifesaver lol
mines rated for 10000W i think.. soo i should be good less i wanna plug the sun in

nath thc

thanx guys thats saved me about £20 or £30 (as am in england) so will go hunting for a good timer at the weekend