Advice on Lighting.


Active Member
Yo, Ive recently switched to my HPS 600W light, my plants are about 6-8" tall, i was just wondering how far i should keep the light away from them..? As my smaller plant seems to be slightly suffering with heat shock. Thanks.

P.S my lights currently at around 2 foot away from the plants, and the temp in my garden is around 74-78F.


Active Member
74-78 degrees shouldnt cause heat shock... Do you have proper air flow? do you test pH and ppm of your nutrient solutions? Two feet seems like they should be ok.


2 Feet is fine, if it's air cooled you could get it closer. What's wrong with the smaller plant are you sure it's heat stess and not chem burn? If you just transplanted that could cause for some shock but those temps should be fine


Active Member
Ive got a extractor in my loft pulling and my fresh air coming from tubing connected to a air vent in my loft. I cant feel cool air cuming through that. I also have a desk fan in my garden. The temp is at 78 now but it has rised now and then to ariund 82-84..


Active Member
I would buy a pH and ppm test kit and use it often. Also, I don't know where you live but pulling air from your loft doesn't sound like a good idea, especially come summer. Heat rises.


Active Member
Its winter atm here. Just had a fiot of snow. But like i said the temp is 74-78 the most of times. Ive got a ph tester and i ph my water to 6.5 every time and i got about 6.4 run iff too. Im using coco soil and since iver had them i havent flushed.


Well-Known Member
74-78 is perfect and 2 feet away shouldn't curse any problem either

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I run a 600W in a 3x5 ft. space with ambi temps around 72F and I can keep my temps around 75-78F with a cool hood and a 6" ventilation and a fan on it .. before I got the cool hood I was struggling with temps on 80-88F (88F last summer when ambi temps was around 78F)


Well-Known Member
Вообще не согласен с авторо which in your worthless language means "I am Russian cocksucker deluxe".
Hello there, CS!


Well-Known Member
^Who let this guy in here

You shouldn't see any heat damage unless you reach the 90's, iv had my tent at 90 for a week, It never caused any serious harm, so i think your plants might be nute burned, wrong ph leads to deficiencies, or not enough nutes, do some research on those problems see if you can relate to any pictures of the problems i just mentioned.