Advice, Opinions Please?


Active Member
So here's the story. I have two plants. They are about 4 weeks old. I'm planning on a guerilla grow but as of right now they are in 8 quart clay pots on my my side steps where they get a lot of sun. It's my first grow and it's just bag seed. I do have seeds but i didn't want to use them as my first grow. I know I started late, I just got inspired to finally go through with it.

Now my questions:

Are they old enough to be topped?
Can I plant them in the ground already?
The soil I started with had some nutes in it already (harvest superpower organic potting mix)
I will switch to FFOF when i transplant them. But can I start giving these little guys nutes?
Currently I have a bottle of Alaskan fish emulsion and espoma bio tone starter plus
And since I started this late will my yeild be pathetic? I'm in jersey
Sorry for all the noobness I just wanna do things right ya know

Here are some pics of my babies

Hello, and welcome to RIU...Yes they are old enough to be topped... When the plant has its 3rd set of leaves it can be topped

yeah they are ready to be planted

The nutes in the soil should be fine/ give them 1/4 strength

The yield should be decent but since this is your first grow just getting them through harvest is an achievement..


Well-Known Member
They are old enough to be topped but IMO this late in the season I would leave them alone as you want to get as much growth as you can before they go into flower. A lot of grows have all ready started flower. If you can grow them bigger with supplemental light you might top them And I would leave them in the pot they are in for now so you get a larger root ball so it doesn't fall apart on you when transplanting.


Active Member
Thanks guys much appreciated!! I guess I just won't top them. Makes sense just to let them grow as much as they can now


Active Member
I just want the next growing season to start already. I have thc bomb and LSD seeds and I can't wait to plant those

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Welcome and good luck with your first grow.

I wouldn't top this late either. You might look into low stress training though. It has a much shorter recovery time and has gotten me some explosive growth with some small white widow seedlings I'm growing right now. It's the first time I've done it but I'm really impressed with the result.

Focus on learning everything you can, keeping it simple, and keeping your plants healthy for now and next year you'll know what to do for those good seeds. It's really fun learning, experimenting, and seeing the plants respond when you do something right.


Active Member

  • Are they old enough to be topped? Yes, but it's very late in the season. not enough time to recover. I'd recommend LST instead.

    Can I plant them in the ground already? Yep. Perfect age and size for transplanting.

    The soil I started with had some nutes in it already (harvest superpower organic potting mix)
    I will switch to FFOF when i transplant them. But can I start giving these little guys nutes? Wait at least a week before you throw chemicals at them.

    Currently I have a bottle of Alaskan fish emulsion and espoma bio tone starter plus
    And since I started this late will my yeild be pathetic? Yields will be "limited". The rest is up to you, the genetics and Mother Nature.



Active Member
Right now they look like your standard hybrid mutts with an indie influence. They could surprise you in a couple of months. Relax and have fun with these. Let's hope they're all girls.


Active Member
how would i go about lsting them. i can't drill holes on the pot and tie them down like that since they are clay.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Till you harvest. You can even tie down the branches after they grow taller as well if you want. It's ok to move it around and retie it though. Don't want to choke it out as it grows. I tied mine loose so they have room for the stem to get bigger. Oh and don't use too thin of a string, it can cut the stem.

I liked using bailing wire because I can bent it to the shape I need but almost anything will work.