Advice please...first indoor grow

I can only get my hand on bag seed so i dont know whether they will be male or female. also i only have enough closet space and lights for one plant... right now i have 8 good healthy 1 inch sprouts but it is obvious i dont have enough light ( 4-23 watt cfl 5000). what should i do?? please all ideas will help


Well-Known Member
create a new space for them and buy more lighting?? I would get myself a little 400 watt hps and a couple fans for intake/exhaust, if you have 8 sprouts I would count on 5-6 of them being female which will be perfect for your 400 having each plant in a 2 gallon pot filled with a soilless medium. Get simple cheap nutes from like walmart, they work great, just read into what n-p-k values you will need. Good luck. ~ BCbuddy :leaf:


Active Member
My advice, if you can truly only handle only one plant, is to start them all, and then choose the healthiest looking plant, and find some covert outdoor locale for growing the rest. Bagseed doesn't mean squat, other than that quality may be questionable, unless your bagseed is from some primo stuff. I personally have two very nice blueberry plants, and one awesome MK ultra growing from bagseed. Even in seedless growing, it is not at all uncommon for a female plant, knowing she is nearing the end, to throw off a male flower or two. That is the cause of the occasional seed in otherwise seedless marijuana. Also, or so I have read, these seeds created by male flowers on otherwise female plants tend to be predominantly female seeds, so that can be in both our favor. Of course there is no ruling out ( even in the most insulated grow room ) the errant male pollen finding its way to a female from the outside.