Advice please yellow tips 6 days since germination

Hi guys. After some advice I have recently germinated my first ever seeds there currently popping out the shells with their first leaves my problem is a couple of them have yellow tips. I have only fed them PH water so far however when mixing I did overdo it with the ph down and went down to about 3.0 and in turn used ph up to bring it back to a final ph of 5.8 (I am growing in coco/ perlight) I am wondering if by doing this would I have created a high ppm by mixing to much ph up and down? Could this be the problem if so what should I do? If not any other ideas as to why they are yellow tipping at such an early stage thanks
Don't mix pH down and pH up. If you use too much pH down, dump out your feed and start again.

Start with a low nutrient feed as stated, not plain water. I start with about a 0.4 EC feed. Small seedling in a large pot, only needs a small amount of feed, don't drown it.