Advise for a second season in Portland


Well Helloooooooooooo!

Glad I found this community!

I'm a first season med grower and I'm looking for some good old fashioned advise for my second season. I've seen these questions asked before but I'm hoping someone will give me a little more specific advice for my location.

Right now I'm growing totally outdoor in semi-urban Portland Oregon. A fellow med grower gave me two Skunk#1 clones and four Trinity clones. I put them in 100 gallon grow bags mid June. Love those grow bags! I've been following the FOXFARM schedule and it seems to be working well. My girls are about five feet high and have just started to flower.

My first season has gone OK. Major problems so far have been a few spider mites and a couple branches broke off from me being rough and too much weight. I'm expecting this first season to not be too fruitful. Still a great learning experience. Like a lot of you, I'm sure, I'm really looking forward to my second season and want to get started on the right foot.

Next season, I'd like to start indoor from seed, wait till they are three or four feet high, then move the ladies outside mid June to finish them off. I've been reading that that technique has worked well around Oregon. Considering the weather.

I guess I have a couple of questions then.

Can you folks suggest a perfect strain for my location and proposed technique? I'm interested in these "early" strains. I'm I far enough North to worry about that? Early Girl, Early Misty? How about White Widow, Big Bud, or Trinity? Of course I'm looking for large yields and good smoke.

What do you all think about the indoor then outdoor technique? When should I sprout the seeds?

Anyone in the Portland area have another suggestion?


Well-Known Member
Well Helloooooooooooo!

Glad I found this community!

I'm a first season med grower and I'm looking for some good old fashioned advise for my second season. I've seen these questions asked before but I'm hoping someone will give me a little more specific advice for my location.

Right now I'm growing totally outdoor in semi-urban Portland Oregon. A fellow med grower gave me two Skunk#1 clones and four Trinity clones. I put them in 100 gallon grow bags mid June. Love those grow bags! I've been following the FOXFARM schedule and it seems to be working well. My girls are about five feet high and have just started to flower.

My first season has gone OK. Major problems so far have been a few spider mites and a couple branches broke off from me being rough and too much weight. I'm expecting this first season to not be too fruitful. Still a great learning experience. Like a lot of you, I'm sure, I'm really looking forward to my second season and want to get started on the right foot.

Next season, I'd like to start indoor from seed, wait till they are three or four feet high, then move the ladies outside mid June to finish them off. I've been reading that that technique has worked well around Oregon. Considering the weather.

I guess I have a couple of questions then.

Can you folks suggest a perfect strain for my location and proposed technique? I'm interested in these "early" strains. I'm I far enough North to worry about that? Early Girl, Early Misty? How about White Widow, Big Bud, or Trinity? Of course I'm looking for large yields and good smoke.

What do you all think about the indoor then outdoor technique? When should I sprout the seeds?

Anyone in the Portland area have another suggestion?
well i live in the wilamette vally i am using greenhouse seed company

big bang and great white

you can start in oregon mid may and try an be done by october 10th

if you start from seed then start first of feduary and you will have 4 ft plants to put outside in mid may early june


Thanks OHG.

That is exactly the info I was looking for. Something from someone local who knows the climate. I'll look into Big Bang and Great White.
Any other suggestions out there? Thanks!
I also live in the valley and start my plants indoors in March and then move them out in May depending on the weather we are having. The only plant I grow on your list is Big Bud and it does wonderfully for me. Do you happen to know when we will happen to have 12/12 days of sunlight? I am tired of taking my 4 footers in and out everyday!


New Member
There is a few mold resistant strains out there from greenhouse I think one is ams or amg somethin like that. Definetly look into something along those line. I've had mold on at least one plant almost every year. An autoflower would be good too. I hate the moisture here lol. Not to say u can't do a normal strain. I was doin purple erkel and afgjooey and like I said it was usually only one or two plants.


Well-Known Member
i also live in the valley and start my plants indoors in march and then move them out in may depending on the weather we are having. The only plant i grow on your list is big bud and it does wonderfully for me. Do you happen to know when we will happen to have 12/12 days of sunlight? I am tired of taking my 4 footers in and out everyday!
get a fucking clue!!!!!! :!::!::!::!::!::!:


Active Member
i'm just south of you in the valley. Hope it is going good for you. Do you have any pics??? Check out my thread!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm a cardholder in portland too, and I need some new strains wink wink.

I would suggest if you do have a place for it that you veg plants 7' tall indoors _all_ winter_ long until it's time they can go outside. I wish I could grow outside, neighbors all too close.

I have bulbs/ballasts to trade for clones of good strains btw...

Mods it's all legal so don't have a cow ok?


Well-Known Member
I am also in the Valley and a card holder. I got this strain at the card holders meeting. It had G-13 on the cup. I also have another strain that I do not know the name off. Here is a shot of them as few days ago. Just in the first stages of full flower. The plant on the left is still preflower and stretching. All three of these plants are about a 8" taller and bigger for this pic was a few days ago. Got to love that stretch.

I also use the fox farms ferts and soil.

That heat wave we just had was great. My plants sucked up all that sun. Perfect conditions this year.

I planted these on May 24th. There were 12" tall healthy plants topped to have 4 main shoots. Grow Big was the only food they got. They now get Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom.

Here is a shot from 7-7-09



Well-Known Member
What does "the cardholders meeting" actually refer to, because I've received shit so far from THCF or the state.
You must mean OGF or something which costs extra. I and many others don't know for sure, I was going to join cause it's cheap but is it truly worth it? If it's just about meeting other pot smokers and doing the reverse of AA to feel better about ourselves that's lame I meet pot smokers every day for free, many capable people not just loosers, I can spot them all a mile away.

I don't just want a verbal hand job to make me feel better about being a pot smoker. I already had verbal hand jobs from places like the local athiest group and it was hella lame as cartman would say and that was just free.

Pm me if you'd rather talk in private.


Well-Known Member
What does "the cardholders meeting" actually refer to, because I've received shit so far from THCF or the state.
You must mean OGF or something which costs extra. I and many others don't know for sure, I was going to join cause it's cheap but is it truly worth it? If it's just about meeting other pot smokers and doing the reverse of AA that's lame I meet pot smokers every day for free I can spot them a mile away.

I don't just want a verbal hand job to make me feel better about being a pot smoker.

Pm me if you want to not say publicly.
I feel the same way as you friend. I only been to two meetings. I got my clones and left. I Paid the one time fee and entered the building. They had a table with a bunch of cuttings one them. I was able to get them and be on my way.

So if your looking for new strains just go to the meetings and see what they got. Get there an hour early for lots of people show up.

Not sure what really goes on in the meeting for I always take off. They do smoke out though.

I am paranoid to drive strait home from these meetings. It would not be hard for rippers and home robbers to try to follow you home.

Anyway if you get there early you can get your clones and go before they lock the doors.

If you do got pay in advance so you do not get cought up in the line to pay the fees while all the good cuttings are being taking.

All you need to get in is your stamped paper from OMMP.


Well-Known Member
Ok I have my paperwork and card and it's like what $5 a month?

I will give it a go just for that because I need new clones that don't hermie and I will go ahead and stick around for one session to see how lame it is or not and report back. Are the clones free or do I need to have more cash? Money is super tight I do without medicine I need on a daily basis.


Well-Known Member
Ok I have my paperwork and card and it's like what $5 a month?

I will give it a go just for that because I need new clones that don't hermie and I will go ahead and stick around for one session to see how lame it is or not and report back.
I would think right now would be a good time for lots of cuttings at the meeting. It just past the perfect time to take outdoor cutting. again I would think there would be lots of donations of clones for this time of year.


Well-Known Member
Just for the record the OGF meeting is where I planned to debut my all mj cigars as in my other post I created just today, well yesterday now what are you doing up so late it's 3:30am. Anyway on the subject I was avoiding going until I had something that would differentiate me from a noob. I didn't just want to show up with an empty tin cup looking like a looser wanting handouts.


Well-Known Member
Just for the record the OGF meeting is where I planned to debut my all mj cigars as in my other post I created just today, well yesterday now what are you doing up so late it's 3:30am. Anyway on the subject I was avoiding going until I had something that would differentiate me from a noob. I didn't just want to show up with an empty tin cup looking like a looser wanting handouts.
I am guarding my crop. It is stay up all night time now. Then when I get tired I have to sleep in my tent I have set out back. Just love this time of year. Me,my tent,my dogs and my crop. My wife thinks I am nuts.

My plants got to big for the yard. I have to think that people have seen them. There is no other way to go about it for now.

I am not sure if the OGF is the same meeting I went to. If there is more than one that is. I went to the one in Portland.


Well-Known Member
Haha I am up for the same reason and I'm not even growing outdoors I just decided I better alternate cycles with the woman of the house since I have a veg and mother area going full blast and not a damn thing to stop the house from burning down. Plus the less spectacular idea of them just drying out and being baked to death by 1kw lights. So I am sure to check them and guard them like a mother hen and stay on them as often as possible.

There isn't anything other than OGF meetings I'm aware of, someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
I'm a cardholder in portland too, and I need some new strains wink wink.

I would suggest if you do have a place for it that you veg plants 7' tall indoors _all_ winter_ long until it's time they can go outside. I wish I could grow outside, neighbors all too close.

I have bulbs/ballasts to trade for clones of good strains btw...

Mods it's all legal so don't have a cow ok?
hit me up bro....