advise on making vapeable oil


Well-Known Member
Ok, first off I apologize in advance if this has been beat to death. Iv'e been researching this a lot lately and gets a little confusing and hard to get solid information. Im looking for an efficient way of turning my flower into oil I can load into carts. I really don't want to buy carts off the street and my local dispensary is $72 for a half gram which is outrageous lol. So recently I harvested my outdoor grow and I would like to turn about half of it into vape-able oil as thats my new favorite form. I've been growing for almost 10 years but never really got into concentrates much unfortunately. What little experience i have is making dry ice hash. I have a good set of bags, and i dabbled a little in pressing it into rosin for dabs. So i guess my question is, is it possible to turn pressed rosin into vape oil? I read somewhere that you can simply blend it with terpines to thin it and your good to go. Would it make more sense to use a different method like ethanol extraction? I don't mind investing in some good equipment to last me a while i just don't want to waste my money on stuff I don't need. Keep in mind I'm trying to keep this as natural as possible. my grow is 100% organic and I don't want to use solvents if possible, nor any kind of glycol or anything like that.

So should I invest in a good press and buy natural terpines to mix with that, or switch to ethanol extraction and invest in a purge chamber etc?
The oil would be made in small batches and is just for me to consume so trying to keep costs as low as possible but I don't mind spending a little extra on quality. thanks in advance for any tips or advise!
Rosin press and a dry sift or dry ice shaker bag are the fastest cheapest easiest and most efficient ways to make great concentrates.
Press your flowers and shake your trimmings. You will have clean top shelf stuff and no worries.
If you want eddibles you will need a way to decarb your rosin or just do qwet. Get a rice cooker.
Get puffco pen or something like that to vape your rosin. Its easier than trying to dissolve/dilute it for use in a cartridge
Pressing rosin will get you there but you will still have plenty of lipids and waxes in the final product. Winterizing is an important step in making vapable material. Onother option would be ethanol extraction. I use an ETOH Pro from extractcraft but they also sell a personal version called a source turbo.
I was thinking about making carts so I was going to get a Source Turbo. But then I thought, "how badly do I really want a cart" Not very badly. So I'm probably still going to get a Source eventually, but have given up on the idea of carts. Not worth it for me.
I use a Ditanium so when I do QWET I just drop it on the nail and hammer down. Wet or dry.
you can squish it into rosin then add some flavorless terpenes which is like a terpene wax liquidizer to keep it in the oil but the only downside is you have to cook it a ton to get it to all melt together. you can also just use MCT oil (check on amazon) but it doesnt mix as well IME. solvent extraction is def a better way to do it. i like to do terpenes+shatter because it tastes more like weed than distillate and gives me better effects