Aeration or circulation?


Active Member
I have two standing reservoirs and was wondering if it is better to aerate the water or keep it circulating? When I say standing reservoirs I mean; I fill my res and continue to use that for a week or more depending. Just wondering what is better. I know air can feed unwanted things. With that said I was thinking maybe just keeping the water moving around would be better to avoid any issues. As of yet I really haven't had issues using an air pump other then pH going up and down a lot. Any input would be cool.


Well-Known Member
I use aeration. Buy a air pump and get a pill bottle. Fill the pill bottle with weights. Zip tie it to the airlines. Never have to buy airstones or worry about them clogging.


I don't grow hydro. I just want to point out that usually if you're circulating water you are necessarily aerating it as also. Perhaps less oxygenation than if using aquarium pump/air stones, but air is still mixing with the water. Also keep in mind that plant roots do breathe oxygen, that's the point of it.


Well-Known Member
Circulation, air stones can air borne bacteria to your system. The one down fall is it adds heat


Active Member
I should have been more clear. The reservoirs don't contain plants. Its just so I can have water/food ready anytime I need to hand water. I am in coco. Thanks for the input thus far!!


Well-Known Member
Is it ebb n flow? If so there's no need for either. An airstone will help breed unwanted bacteria. A water pump would be good, but if the res is too big the pump will need to be a decent size and with that comes a rise in water temps, unless you have a chiller. I'm using nothing in my ebb n grow system and it's much better with out using either.


Active Member
They are more-or-less just totes of premixed water/nutrients. I am in coco and hand water as needed. All my veg plants get fed from one tote and the other tote is for flowering plants. In the past I have always used air pumps to keep the water in them moving around as to not let it get stale. But I do have issues from time to time with the water smelling funky. I assumed this was due to the air feeding bacteria.


Well-Known Member
Oh, ok, then a water pump would do MUCH better than an air pump for your situation. I'd suggest just a small water pump. Keep the water chilled if you can, just throw a couple 2 liters of frozen water bottles in there once in a while to keep the temps down and avoid the bacteria and the pump will keep it from getting stagnant.