aero cloner not cloning

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i posted this in the problems section and got no response, hoping you hydro/aero guys will have better insight.
the first time i used this it worked great, all kind of roots in less than a week, the second time i used it, it took almost 2 weeks, now its been two weeks and still no roots. i cleaned the machine good, washed it, the neoprene pucks, the little baskets, in bleach water, ran bleach water through the assembled unit, then clear water twice to rinse it out good.
i put a few ml of rooting hormone in the water, along with a little bloom nutes. when i started having problems i looked at the ezcloner website, their instruction pdf says to use resclear, which is chlorine, so i've been putting a few drops of pool shock solution in the res, about 4 ppm. the water does get a little warm in the res from the pump, so i've been cycling it 15 minutes on, 15 off to keep the temp down.
my water is ph'ed to 6.0, i've been using a humidity dome the past few days, the light is a 2100 lumen cfl about 18 inches away, on 20 off 4.
even trying an air stone in the res the last couple of days, to super aerate the water.
i've read everything i can find, and tried just about everything they suggested, anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
they've all looked like that for almost a week, like they're trying, but just can't quite make it
Get two cooler packs freeze them and place one in the cloner or under the cloner pump and keep the pump on. When freezer pack thaws replace it with the other one every 12 hours should work. Peace
Also try on 18 and off six plus move the light away a bit. Maybe a small fan to keep things cooler. They do not need a lot of light.

What is the air temp near the cloner nd the temp in the room?
it stays around 73 in the room its in, just the house air conditioning. i don't have a fish-tank thermometer, ought to get one, i just know if i stick my finger in it with the pump running the water is definitely warmer than when it isnt running, and by the end of the day it stays warm, not hot but considerably warmer than room temp
Your room didn't happen to be a little warmer the first couple of batches did it? It's okay for your cloner to be a little on the warm side compared to a normal hydro grow. Cold water is great for mature plants with developed root system but tend to slow down the metabolism on clones too much. Same thing with seeds. That's why they sell those seedling/clone heating mats.

It looks like you have little root nubs all over the stem. That means you are just days from popping roots.

You don't need a dome on an aerocloner.

Roots in 1 week is fast although I've seen it before. 10-14 days is normal for soft-stemmed strains. Woody stem strains like OG Kush or Headband can take as long a 3-4 weeks to pop roots.
Run the pump 24-7 no need to cycle. Like stink mentioned its ok to be warm, but once it gets roots you gotta get it down or you will get the rot. I run h2o2 in all my hydro stuff and no rooting hormone besides the gel. Roots in 10days max.

On those pics did you scratch the very outer layer of skin from the bottom up an inch or so or just cut it at a 45?
i cut at a 45 then like directly opposite the cut i scrape once with the edge of the knife blade a little above where the top of the cut is
You don't need a dome on an aerocloner.

Sup stink,

Yea, I keep reading that but in my world if I don't use a dome (high RH) or mist the cuttings often first few days-----they just wilt and fall over.

I agree about the warmer temps-----I shoot for around 78F.
