Aero Cloner ???


Well-Known Member
yep, and not much advise is needed. you ever see an ez cloner work? roots grow like mad. 14-20 days and they are ready for dirt.

hmmm, tips.. don't use the full nute recomendation the cloning solution says. I have used pure water and had pretty good results, 100% root but some not as strong as with nutes. I personally do 10ml of canna's rizotonic per gal. but really must anything will work.. hmm keep the light to a min. to promote rooth growth.. hmm no man its pretty easy, those areocloners are the fucking shit.. even/especially if your a small grow.
i put a little dirt on the bottom of the bucket and as i pour dirt ito the bucket I either spiral the roots to the top or (preffered) gently spread them out. (3 wks in cloner and roots are 20-24" long)

easiest thing in the whole proccess.. except maybe getting to eat those dank tomatoes afterwards ;)

good luck