Aerogarden 7 Extended Arm


New Member
Hi there ,

Here in Spain , I have just Aerogarden 7 Classic with 220/230 V and 50 Hz . It'sa pitty but now we are not allowed to buy a better Aerogarden for our homes in Europe .

I am looking for a thing which could extend the arm of my AG. I read some post about it, but I don´t find the stuff to extend the arm of my AG. Could you help me with a tutorial about how I can extend the arm AG ??? ... Or can you tell me where I can find the Extended Arm kit ??

Thank you in advance and sorry for my Inglés ...


New Member
This is the Aerogarden 7 Classic in Spain... the only one that you can buy in Europe. It has just 12 inch to grow plants so I want to know where I can buy an extend kit for the arm
