aerogarden rocks

Big kudos go out to the aerogarden faq thread in these forums helped me out a lot (1st time grower) so i thought the aerogarden would be an easy way to learn and it is. Assembled random seeds from seperate good smokes id had over the last few months a few didnt work as i assume the seeds were dead internally, but 2 sprouted beutifully the nute tabs are crap dont use them head to a hydro shop and get some liquid nutes i clean my tank every week and am in my 3rd week now keep the lighting on 24/7 for the 1st 2 weeks and leave the settings on tomatos will post more as it happens.:hug:
Ps anyone who can name this strain as it develops would be muchly appreciated



Well-Known Member
Hi Von, I'm on my first grow too. :)

The tomato settings work well, but you might want to try setting your AG to "salad greens" instead. The lights will be on 18/6, the pump 24/0. (If you've got the Pro200, anyhow. I'm not sure of the other models.) If you've got an airstone in there, you may not care about the pump running 24/0. I haven't added anything to my AG, and since I'm not using it for flowering I dont' really need to mod it; although I do plan on adding an airstone soon just to add bubbles for my clones.

If you prefer 24/0 light & pump both, set it to strawberries. The manual tells you how to set the lights to turn on/off when you want on both strawberries and salad greens.

ANYHOOO, hope all goes great for ya! :hump:
Yeah i have the dual airstones and at week 5 had to go get a new light and moved the hood light to a mounting i made at the back of the aerogarden as u can see in my pics between week 4-5 saw massive growth did a few trimmings to make it bush out looking strong i have it on tomatoe setting and my light setup at 18/6 but looking at going 12/12 soon as i start to see bud growth only drawback is that ive started having to change the resevoir 2 times a week but if it keeps going as is i see smoko im 4-5 weeks ;)

