aerogarden / soil grow with pics


Well-Known Member
I've been posting alot of questions and issues, now i'll show some pics..

I am on day 13 from seed, i got 4 plants in the aerogarden and 5 in soil..

I started with 7 in the aerogarden and moved a few out due to space issues, then yesterday 1 plant fell down (pics shown) and i moved her to soil to hopfully stabilize her

They are all master kush strain from nirvana i am using the full line of foxfarm nutes + soil ph is 6.7 and hydro is 5.4

temps have been around 90 - 100, however im running co2 and they seem to be handling it.. im hoping that since im dealing with a part hindu kush strain it can handle the heat.. i just ordered a grow tent with a inline fan and a couple of room fans, this should fix the issue

I also plan to put a layer of panda plastic over the top of the aerogarden with holes cut out for the seed pods in attempt to lower the temps of the water

Anyways heres some pics, let me know what yous think



Well-Known Member
there is no central.. only got 2 acs, neither of which are close to this room, however im about to order a reflector with aircooling + i got the tent on the way, so that should fix the issue