aeroponic life cycle

Hi all , i hear aeroponcis is a faster and cleaner way of growin and im looknig alot into it i jsut wonder how quick doe , how long do you veg for how long do you flwoer for and when germination how do you know when to put then in to veg mode ?i know there dumb questions but im still new :-)


Well-Known Member
vegging depends on how large you want your plant, the biggest difference i have noticed is flowering time, this is totally strain dependant, but what took me 70 days in soil took me exactly 50 days in aero, i know its hard to believe but thats 3 weeks it cut off, and since the seed sprouts its just about vegging since the light cycle you will use is the same, either 18 or 24 hours, only thing is when to start adding nutrients, and the plant will let you know