Afgani, AK-47, Purple Diesel, and Sensi Kush @ High Altitude (7000-8000ft)


Afgani, AK-47, Purple Diesel, and Sensi Kush @ High Altitude (7000-8000 ft)
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by KmKay on 06-16-2011 at 10:05 AM (9 Views)
Hey all, I grew a few batches over the past few years but I'm going all out now and really trying to produce some good stuff. I'm living at 7000-8000 ft (altitude) and I'm soil growing with two home made grow boxes in my basement. I've got 4 cool white florescent tubes for the vegetative stage and a 400W HPS for flowering. I'm planning on using Super Soil with slow release "Peace of Mind Flowering" fertilizer for the veg. stage, Tiger Bloom and Cha Ching for the flowering. My projected schedule is:
Week 1: Plant in peat pods
Week 2: Transplant to medium size pots (with Peace of Mind pre mixed)
Week 6: Re-fertilize with Peace of Mind
Week 9: Move plants to Flowering Chamber, begin fertilizing every other watering with Tiger Bloom.
Week 11: Transplant to final full sized pots (should I avoid doing this during the flowering stage?)
Week 13: Begin to fertilize every third watering with Tiger Bloom, Cha Ching, Water.
Week 16: Flush and only water here on out.
Target harvest @ the end of week 16.

1) Is it too much fertilization?
2) I'd like to to some CO2 enrichment, i've got a tank and regulator (for home brewing) but I'm open to all suggestions and methods.
3) is the "flush" necessary cause i'm using supposedly all organic fertilizers?
4) Any other tips/comment greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Transplanting in flower is not so good, but I just did it at 2 weeks in. I thought I had a male in a party cup but it was a female and up potted. Break up the rootball some when you do it.

Better to transplant when it is still vegging as the roots will fill out into the pot faster.

I do not flush with organic grow, but some do. Shame you cannot grow outdoors at that altitude, make for some killer smoke. I would try to use the flouros with the hps in flower, maybe vertical on the sides. They have a better spectrum than hps. Need to be like 1 inch away to do any good tho.