afghan calmag problems?


Well-Known Member
i am currently having what seem to be some calmag problems with my afghan kush so i used some of "x nutrients calmag" to try and rectify the problem but it seems to not be working and worse yet, increasing. has anyone had experience using x nutes or can help me identify and cure my plants ailments? any EXPERIENCED help would be greatly appreciated. i have purchased a new ph meter to increase my accuracy and i am currently using ff ocean forest and ff trio nutes, along with the x nutes calmag. thanks again!



Well-Known Member
Looks like a PhosNitrissium deficiency to me.

Seriously though. "calmag" is calcium and magnesium (and usually nitrogen). Its not too bad but it looks like calcium. If those little chlorotic spots on the leaf become yellow/orange necrotic spots and the leaf gets brittle, it is Ca. Are the tips of the leaf hooked or burnt? Mg def will show as interveinal yellowing of the upper leaves (new growth) along with folded "tacoed" leaves and sometimes red petioles.

What is your water source? If it is soft tap water or RO water, you will usually run into ca and/or Mg deficiencies. If you are using water with a low ppm/EC, you will probably need to use a "cal-mag" supplement. Add it to your water first, then add your nutrients. 2.5mL/gal of Botinicare's Cal-Mag Plus brings my 50ppm tap water to around 150ppm, which is a good starting point.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a PhosNitrissium deficiency to me.

Seriously though. "calmag" is calcium and magnesium (and usually nitrogen). Its not too bad but it looks like calcium. If those little chlorotic spots on the leaf become yellow/orange necrotic spots and the leaf gets brittle, it is Ca. Are the tips of the leaf hooked or burnt? Mg def will show as interveinal yellowing of the upper leaves (new growth) along with folded "tacoed" leaves and sometimes red petioles.

What is your water source? If it is soft tap water or RO water, you will usually run into ca and/or Mg deficiencies. If you are using water with a low ppm/EC, you will probably need to use a "cal-mag" supplement. Add it to your water first, then add your nutrients. 2.5mL/gal of Botinicare's Cal-Mag Plus brings my 50ppm tap water to around 150ppm, which is a good starting point.
so i need to ppm for soil grow? and i am using distilled water so its at 0 ppm. but no clawing leaves. red stems on the fan leaves though...