After doing yard work and you have a indoor garden. Relatable?

I was doing yard work the other day, then pulled the waste bins to the alley way we use and I seen some tall weeds. Figured yah what the hell time to chop those down too.
Sh***t, they were heavily infected with white flies and afids.
Minus the burning of clothes I washed my hands real good before going inside and I took all my clothes off except for panties.
Bastards bugs!!
I was doing yard work the other day, then pulled the waste bins to the alley way we use and I seen some tall weeds. Figured yah what the hell time to chop those down too.
Sh***t, they were heavily infected with white flies and afids.
Minus the burning of clothes I washed my hands real good before going inside and I took all my clothes off except for panties.
Bastards bugs!!
Ok so...yard work, then a shower and fresh clothes before visiting the ladies! Always.

How about this...

Once I get shit, showered, and shaved. I get the girls ready for flower by giving them a nice shower as well! Lol I trim them up and defoliate before I give them a good aggressive showering. Always making sure to spray the underparts of the leaves thoroughly. Great organic way to keep the insects down. I had a thrip problem a couple years ago and since I have been doing this...they are gone.

(Yes I like those BIG girls.) LolIMG_0669 (2).JPGIMG_0663 (1).JPG
This is me every time I leave the hydro shop bro. Heard some guy say "how do I treat PM my whole room is full" straight up sprayed my shoes with lysol before getting in my car.