

Active Member
I have seedlings splitting open as we speak...

Im about to run to home depot and get a peat dome...My question though, is can i just leave it under the kitchen light to start or would a flourescent have better effects? Any help is aprreciated, happy schmokin.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
flouro would be better, though seedlings do not need a lot of light just keep an eye for stretching


Well-Known Member
should i just put the flouro close to prevent the stretching?
depends on the flouro

if it is say a 40 watt T8 then it can be 1 to 2 inches

if it is say a 26 watt cfl it should be 3 or 4 inches away

the idea is to be close enough to prevent stretching and far away enough to prevent burning, CFL's can burn seedlings, T8's and T12's not so much