After taking a cutting will it re-branch???


Well-Known Member
it wont grow from the spot the cutting was taken, the plant can regrow a branch off of a branch that was taken but only if the branch had more than 1 leaf set left, if theres nothing then its just going to be bare.


Active Member
Yes/No it depends on where you take the cutting if you cut directly were the internode meet the stock then it will not "re-branch" but if you take the cutting above it's first internode two more branches will grow out if given enough light. You can put the clone directly into flowering as soon as its roots are established.


Active Member
If I may make a recommendation you should take your clones from the bottom up. Those tiny branches wont always make it up top and the ones you
have selected would have been nice later. This is assuming that is not a mother plant and after a couple days you can flower the one you took clones


Well-Known Member
correct me if im wrong but doesnt it depend on the maturity of the plant of which the clone was taken to depend of wether it can flower immediately after the root system is established?


Active Member
Yea but most people take clones from matured plants if Im not mistaken. I know I do for 100% of mine at least.


Well-Known Member
if your plant has started showing pre flowers then your cuttings will be able to insta flower.


Well-Known Member
you can force flower at any time. the plant doesn't "have" to be sexually mature, although yield n potency may be lower if it's not....peace