AHHH!! Yea


Active Member
So I'm finally moving from my parents house and going off to college in this suburban area of Chicago. I've been a heavy smoker since I was a freshman in High School, and every since then I've been wanting to grow my own weed. I couldn't do it while living in my parents crib, but now that I got my own space I want to venture off into doing it. I read all the steps in growing weed, but they haven't been to coherent. So I was wondering if it was some peeps that could actually give me direct directions on how to start growing my own weed. Or at least having a special-ed class for us first time planters to understand the whole mental process of growing it. Like a step by step of every damn step there is in growing weed. I want to grow it in my walk-in closet. How much materials am I going to need? How long does this take? So if anyone think they could help me out get back at me!! :peace:

Also I don't live in Cali anymore, and I know everybody know how they weed is. But is the shit Imma grow gon be like the shit that grow there??
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Well-Known Member
all i can really suggest is reading the grow FAQ and if theres something specific you dont understand post that question. What you're basically asking is how to grow weed. There are thousands of books not to mention countless websites and videos dedicated to the subject, and forgive me but its pretty difficult to sum it up in a few lines, but i'll do my best
1.Use Good Genetics (either from a trusted grower friend, or order seeds from a reputable breeder)
2.Use Good Soil (your local grow-shopkeep will point you in the direction of something cheep and effective)
3.Get a Good Light (depending on the size of your closet probably either 400 or 600w hps with mh conversion bulb)
4.Don't overfeed
5.Don't Tell Anyone (loose lips sink ships, and as i understand american pot laws are quite harsh so this one is very important.)
6.keep it simple to start, and build slowly. (you'll probably be better suited to grow in soil to start, save the 60 site aeroponics setup for further on down the road when you've aquired some experience.
7. And of course READ THE FAQ!!!!!!

Anyhow its good to have another thumb making this world a little greener so work hard dont get discouraged dont rush anything and soon enough you'll be smoking some beautiful herb. GOOD LUCK!