Air Conditioner/Heater


lookin for a good air conditioner/heater that will automatically change from one to the other.
my room needs air when lights are on but need heat when there off.
lookin for portable unit if at all possible.
not lookin for cheap but am on a budget


Active Member
I've actually never really seen a combo at any kind of low price before. I did once find this dual stage 2 outlet temp controller design a while back. I never ran into the need for it, so actually haven't tried it. I haven't looked at the design in a while but u will most likely need relays also. But u can buy a cheap space heater and a portable or wall ac unit. That design might actually not do hot and cold at the same time I can't remember that either, might actually be hard to find. But actually even cheaper probably separate ac and heat with 2 separate thermostats triggered at appropriate temps. Sorry for the rambling brain kept thinking while I was typing and hard to delete on my iPad.
portables are a joke when compared to a mini split system, search ebay for mini split or ductless, get a heatpump and it will do exactly what you want.


Active Member
I've never used a unit like that staples one, but I have a Soleus Dehum and am happy with the brand. I checked the reviews before I bought it and they were awesome. The machine performs as well as expected. For the money portables are not bad, but they don't have a long life time. Better in my opinion than window options. Mini splits are a big initial investment, but are awesome for grow rooms. You did say you were on a budget, also in regards to mini splits I dont know about your circumstance, but in my case I can't get one, because another condenser in my tiny yard would draw too much attention. Especially running in the cold months. I'll probably be getting a portable or 2 come summer.