AK-47 indoor grow


New Member
Hey guys first indoor grow. Hps 600w and am just starting 2nd week flower and am starting to get a few deformities in leaves. Am wondering if its due to over or under watering or light stress? Any help would be awesome



New Member
Hey guys! I am attempting my first indoor grow. I have grown outdoor last 2 seasons and have had this seasons AK-47 vegging outside and have just got my indoor set up and put them in there 2 weeks ago to flower.
All was what seemed to be going well. 4 out of the 5 plants turned due to the crop weather and ended up reveging a month or so back but pulled through.

The last couple of days,I have noticed this weird receding tips of the leaves almost forming round edges?? Could this be a form of over/under watering or light stress?? Also some of the leaves at the top of the plant feel out of life and wilted.
I am running a hps 600w lamp with a 12/12 schedule.
Dehumidifier keeping the humidity between 40-50% and the temp around the 25-28°C mark.

Any help would be much appreciated,
Like I said I am new to this and this is my first post