AK-48, 400w Hps, DR80, Canna Nutes


Well-Known Member
As above, got 5 AK48's going, currently around week 2 of veg (Iv been pretty high from the Snow White harvested last time...I was looking after them but wasnt keeping track of their age!) in 10L Airpots with Biobizz AllMix. Im using Canna Terra Vega at half strength every 3rd or 4th watering (depending on how they look). Topped them for 4 colas on the 5th of May and I think they're doing well! Comments, etc welcome!


EDIT: I got some nutrient water on some of the leaves and they got burnt spots, before anyone points it out!



Well-Known Member
Yep from start to finish.

New pic, sorry about the quality, was just a quick snap.
The new growth is insane for 2 days.

They are a PERFECT dark green, unlike I couldve said about my old Biobizz grown plants, Ill try take some non-HPS pics of them soon.



Well-Known Member
They have alternating nodes already, think Ill flower them soon enough, get maximum light penetration.


Well-Known Member
Ok so its time for some pics.
Pic 1 is the plants two days ago.
Pic 2 is the plants today.
Pic 3 is a top-down shot of the plants today.

I was wondering if I should cut off the leaves that got burnt by the light when it was younger? They're yellowing and drying up, should I let the plant just drop them itself or cut them off?

Let me know what yous think.



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Really good strain to grow. Ive put them through hell and back and have bounced back every time. Mine looked the same as yours in the early stages but when I changed to 12/12 something changed big time. They became more sativa looking and stretched like crazy and thats with 2x 600w HID's. Any questions just ask and good luck
Those look really nice man, they look about the same colour as mine under HPS, real healthy leaves, good hardy strain. Gonna grow more of these next run too, they pretty much just grow themselves.

Darren: Im not 100% sure of their actual age, but I think about 4ish weeks since I planted the seeds in the soil? Didnt do any pre-germinating, next time Im gonna plant them straight into the Airpots tho, after a week from planting in the small circular pots they were in, there was very slight root circiling and I had to disturb the (granted small) root ball when transplanting. I reckon if Id planted them straight into the Airpots and watered them carefully, they'd have grown alot faster. Gonna use peat pucks to germinate seeds next time, and once I see a taproot Im gonna plant into the soil.


Well-Known Member
Gonna throw them into flower starting tonight, they're big enough and with the stretch added they'll be just the height I want.


Well-Known Member
Will throw some pics up tomorrow, will be day 1 of 12/12 so Im not expecting much, but still, good to document.


Active Member
loookin nice harrekin, keep up the good work. will keep checking back on this one. i had two leaves burn on my skunk and iu just left them as they were, 1 month on the burn is still there ut the leaf is lush, so id leave any burned leaves as long as they still have green.


Well-Known Member
Ok some pics.
Today is officially day 1 of 12/12, but Im gonna start counting flowering once I see some pistils.
One shot is an above view, one and side view, and one is a "natural light" shot to show the colour of the plants.

Hopefully they dont stretch TOO much, I like the sorta density they have now.

EDIT: I know the colour is actually maybe a little dark, but they aint been fed in a while, and Im gonna keep it that way for now.



Active Member
picked up the canna for my next grow fella, how often are you feeding, every second watering or further apart? plants are looking lovely!


Well-Known Member
You wont be disappointed man, just as far as I know the Bloom formula needs the PK13/14 to give it the right ratio. Iv been feeding 1/2 strength every second or third watering, but with the bit of tip curl (curl) Im backing off it even more. Its powerful stuff and I aint been pHing it, just throwing it in with tapwater and its obviously working with no deficiencies.