AK47 Double Layer Harvest Jurnal

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

I was going to wait another couple of days to start this, but as I keep talking about it in other peoples threads I thought I better just get on with it.

So here is a quick Rundown.

Veg Days 20 - 10" Tall
Number of plants = 8

Growing Conditions:
2X 30Liter DWC buckets, 4 plants per bucket
400W HPS
Lots of fans.

Canna Aqua
Canna Zymm
Canna Boost
Canna PK13/14
Liquid Silica

I have grown the 8 plants short and stocky and done NO pruning. I was playing with the idea that I will be able to do two harvests about 2 weeks apart.

I have no idea what I am going to get but I am really hopping that I will get more than 8oz.
I am a little worried that I flowered to soon and that I should have let the plants get a little bigger first.

Sorry No photos today, But I Promise that there will be photos this time tomorrow. My Camera is at a friends house.

Here are a few pics from the Last 2 months. the last pic is from around 14 days ago.


Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Sorry about the lack of an update. Real hectice week. On the pluse side at least I have some destraction.

So bad news. Still no camera, long storie, my mate gave it to his mate to drop off to me, but he forgot and I can't get hold of him... and so on.

I need it though as my camera doubles up as my mirco scope.

So in the absense of pic I will describe what they are like;

When I work into the grow room, the first thing I notice is the smell, Strong Citruse Skunk, so pudgent it nearly knocks me over, as it wofts pasted and filles the house (Having to send away visitors from the door) and my eyes adjust to the light I see Buds jetting up out of the soild green canpie. They are 3 think and hard to the tuch and leave a stciky resadue on my fingers.


Any ways. Getting carried away there.
I will hopfully have my Camera tomorrow. And I will post pics as soon as I do.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

Got my Camara back. It's lights off time so i can't go taking loads of pics right now, but I got a close up of a bud. This is only a small one but take a look at the trics and tell me what you think.

I was ment to harvest a tommorrow, but now I am thinking I should leave it a little longer. 65 days tomorrow.

Lots more photos this evening. So check it out.


Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Ye I think a few more days.

I will spend an half hour taking photos this evening. and I will post the best.

A little worried just now, I noticed the smell in the room was a little sweeter than usal. I smelt a very simlar smell in a friends room, and it turned out to be Bud rot. Although there is a good chance I am being Parnoyed, so close to harvest.

Any way. I will give them all an inspection and post lots of pics.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Okay here we go.

Quite a few pics here. I there are some nice one if you flick threw them.

The first two are close ups. You can see a couplle of abba Trics but also some cleare ones. they are mostly milky.

The plan was to harvest tomorrow, but seeing how much they have grown and that not all the tricks are milky maybe I should wate a few more days.

What do you think?
Bareing in mind that I want to do a double havest. taking the top buds first then feeding and wating anouther 10 to 14 days for the smaller buds to fattern up.

PS. Sorry a load more pics to come, but my internet isn't working properly, I will try again later.



Well-Known Member
yeah i had the same idea in my last grow.. fatten up the bottom buds. so i started clipping off starting at the tops... every few days, or they say 10-14 days, bottol muds will be fattened up

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

I havested this morning. I took all the main buds and the big branches.
I'm hoping that I will have at least 4oz from this first harvest, But I really have no idea.

The buds are very dense, hard in fact. you can't squeez them there just solid. Quite sticky and very smelly.

They are all hung upside down on a open rack shelf thing.I have put a curtain around them and have a Fan at one end, which is sucking air from the around the buds and blowing it away. while some is baouncing back off a wall and re cerculating around the buds. Its pretty airy.
My Hydrometer was messuring a relitive humididty of 59, so I turned the fan up to full speed as this is a little high. want to keep it at 40 - 50.

So here are a few pics. Sorry there isn't a better ones of the buds hanging but it's kinda orquad in there.

As for the buds in the room, there are around 50 very small buds, 30 small and 20 medium sized buds left. I am hoping that they will all go one size up in the next ten days.

I have nuted up with a strong nute load, lowered the light (I will lower it a bit more tommorrow also). I plan to feed for 3 days then flush for 7. Hopfully I will havest the same again.

Any addvice on drying is wellcom. thanks. :joint:

