alien og discoloration ... week 5-6 flowering.

looks like it can be a number of things. any accurate guesses? this is my second grow. and a whole new set of problems than my last. lol learning from my mistakes!
even tho the picture is kinda blurry...looks like a phone cam pic...
It is pretty normal for yellowing to occur in the late stages of flower...
Theres really not that much yellow anyways...its normal....

Whatsup with all those clothes on the ground man ....???
Get it together.....

Wait a second .....yerp..... i think that might be some newt burn...
but either way ...were gonna need some better pics...prefferably close ups....
I'd have to say that's lacking a little nitrogen.
I'm assuming you're using nutes, most flowering nutes out there have a low level of nitrogen (N-P-K stands for levels of nitrogen [N]; phosphorous [P]; potassium [K]), which is what causes an overall light green color with yellowish fan leaves on the bottom. I'm just guessing from this blurry picture that your problem is low nitrogen. If the symptoms that I stated are indeed true, just add some vegging nutes (those are usually high in nitrogen) or any other nute that will give you nitrogen.
323cheezy is right that it's not too big of a deal to lack nitrogen in later stages of flowering, but there's nothing wrong with fixing the problem either. Happy growing!