All Medical needs for Marijuana


Just wondering I am a nurse at a home and while i used to smoke havent for a while. But ive recently read a lot of the support and anti marijuana for medical needs and I personally dont think its cures 90% of what it is issued for.

I was watching a movie on netflixs that was in support and their were cancer patients who were saying they could stop taking some very powerful meds. I cant go into what some of our patients are taking because of HIPAA compliance however I was talking to one that recently got a med card and didnt feel he needed the rest of his meds.

Dont get me wrong i personally think it could really help people be happy about not going to make it from what ever illness you know what have you. But I think the medical curing power that everyone speaks of and some of this video just make it seem like a cure for cancer.

I still think it should be 100% legal for personal use and for just fun huge waste of money preventing something no ones quitting. And would lower crime rate as well. I just dont buy into all this stoner talk of how it cures all these sickness.

They had this one guy who was mentally unstable and then he took one hit and was normal? I honestly thought to my self wow way to advertise weed like those crazy bible tumping Christians that speak in gibberish.

Just wanted to know what some of your guys thoughts are.


Well-Known Member
being a nurse you use the word "cures" when maybe you should have used the word "alleviates" instead, I don't think there's been any claims the mmj "cures" anything.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
it helps in medical cases. you wouldnt know. your minds already made up.
it helps people with aids, cancer, people who cant sleep, back pains, people that have had penis extentions it helps the pain after the knife.


"alleviates" ok this i believe in as i stated that i believe it can help people accept their sickness or help make them feel mentally better but i still think pain kills of most common production are still better pain killers then any strain ive ever tried in my past. I still think weed is far more fun but even painkillers are getting mental buzz like with roxi's and what have you


Well-Known Member
I use medical marijuana for mental illness. I was able to replace all three of the medications I was taking, all of which are harmful to the liver and kidneys, and I operate at a higher level to boot.

I fail to see any difference between the antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, antidepressants, ... and pot. They all make you feel different than you wound normally, they are all drugs, they are all meant to alleviate the conditions of your illness. Id rather be stoned any day than zombied out on a cocktail of harmful pills.

Bodhi Diesel

Active Member
Just wondering I am a nurse at a home and while i used to smoke havent for a while. But ive recently read a lot of the support and anti marijuana for medical needs and I personally dont think its cures 90% of what it is issued for.
You would be 100% wrong then.

RNmed4200 said:
I was watching a movie on netflixs that was in support and their were cancer patients who were saying they could stop taking some very powerful meds. I cant go into what some of our patients are taking because of HIPAA compliance however I was talking to one that recently got a med card and didnt feel he needed the rest of his meds.
I know plenty of MMJ patients who have given up their Big Pharma poisons to cure or alleviate their illnesses with Cannabis.

RNmed4200 said:
Dont get me wrong i personally think it could really help people be happy about not going to make it from what ever illness you know what have you. But I think the medical curing power that everyone speaks of and some of this video just make it seem like a cure for cancer.
That's your prerogative to think that way, but it doesn't mean you're right. In fact, you're wrong, I have personally seen cancers CURED with cannabis products.

RNmed4200 said:
I just dont buy into all this stoner talk of how it cures all these sickness.
"Stoner talk" ??? Your ignorance regarding the effectiveness of cannabis has no basis in facts.I would have thought that a medical "professional" would research an argument better than that.

RNmed4200 said:
Just wanted to know what some of your guys thoughts are.
My thoughts would get me banned.


Well-Known Member
HA! you have no idea what you're talking about. i am frequently mentally unstable, and a hit of cannabis is a much better cure than antything pill i've taken in my life. i used cannabis - and only cannabis - to come off a ridiculous blend of sleeping pills, neuroleptics and 140 mg of methadone after i was addicted to narcotics and benzos for years. the damage done by the methadone and pills causes me frequent and horrible nausea, vomiting and insomnia still now almost 2 years after i detoxed. cannabis is the only thing that lets me eat, work and exercise.
yes pills work, but think about some of the side effects from working with cancer drugs. now look at all the relief i get from smoking a bowl. now look at the side effects from that. exactly.

cannabis is my saviour and the glue that holds my mind together. don't fall victim to big pharma - speak to some people who actually use it.

kbo ca

Active Member
nobody said it cures anything. 95% off pharmaceuticals don't cure shit either they just fuck you up more. Pot takes the place of all pain meds and a slew of other medications.


Well-Known Member
I use it for both mental and physical pain. The medication I took for Crohn's did more harm than good the same goes for the anxiety meds. It might not cure anything, but it attenuates the pain to a much more manageable degree. The fact that it improves your mental state can further enhance recovery potential of even physical disorders due to the placebo effect which this alteration inflicts. It is also necessary to find a strain that suits the patient the most since the various cannabinoid profiles will have a different impact on certain mental/physical/immune aberrations hence I seek high CBD strains (THC not being an issue since its abundant it contemporary strains).

happy tokin!


Well-Known Member
You're wrong.

I have a family history of bipolar disorder and thyroid cancer, the former can be traced back over five generations. The two conditions are related. The most common prescription given to bipolars (because it's often the only one that works) causes thyroid cancer, among other life threatening side effects. It also severely limits some of my cognitive functioning.

However, there are particular strains of medical cannabis (ingested by means of edible extracts) which have proven to be just as effective in treating my condition, as well they pose no health risks to me, and have fewer other side effects.

I was skeptical at first as well, from years of conditioning by society I had no idea that a drug synonymous with "fun" could provide me with relief from my condition. In fact, early on in my treatment some medical professionals told me what you have said. However, those particular professionals proved to be ignorant and wrong about a few other issues as well.

The truth is, there are strains that will trigger episodes for me (particularly ones popular on the streets), but without my medication (the right strains) I fear I would become yet one more suicide statistic.

Don't believe in your own ignorance, read the myriad of studies which have proven there are in fact genuine medical applications for certain strains of cannabis. The truth is out there.


I would be living on the streets, maybe already dead. Crazy, probably strung out and skinny as shit. MMJ has seriously taken place of my psycotics, my anti depressant, and my anti anxiety.


Well-Known Member
I am a nurse at a local hospital, I'm also a medical marijuana user. Here's what I think; The patients I work with use marijuana for help with the symptoms of cancer and the side effects of chemo. They swear by its use for help with pain management, nausea, and lack of appetite. They also says it helps them combat the mental symptoms associated with battling cancer. My patients are people from all walks of life, old young and in between. As a nurse the number one ethical guide is respect for human dignity.

From a personal stand point, medical marijuana is a godsend for me. I suffer from polyarthralgia, migraines, degenerative disk disease and fibromyalgia. I am intolerant to opiates, since they make me nauseous and cause me to hallucinate. NSAIDs are useless to alleviate my pain. Marijuana is my only solution for pain management; But I'm glad its an option. I can honestly say marijuana helps all of my conditions and has no harsh side effects. I use to lay in bed light off wishing the pain would end. Now I'm a functioning member of society again.As far as I'm concerned it's under-prescribed since it's an invaluable tool in the physicians arsenal.

HIPPA only protects information that can identify a patient. The only way you would have a violation is if you said a patients name then said what they were taking. To say something like some patients in (any) cancer center take dilaudid for pain, is the same as saying some children in (any pediatrics office) take penicillin. No one can be identified by either piece of information.


Active Member
I think that you need to be more informed on the attributes of Medical Marijuana. I am living proof of the benefits of MM. I have 4 vertebrae fused in lower back and have had 2 knee replacements. I was on 200 mg of Oxycontin and had a morphine pump inserted under my skin to provide a constant drip of morphine directly to my spine. After my last surgery I began using MM, and weaned myself off of the morphine and oxy (after going into withdrawals)! I since have used neither of those evil drugs nor will I ever again. Neither MM or the drugs cure anything. they are only to "improve the quality of life". Well, my life has more quality now than it ever did then. This all boils down to which will do less harm to my body?


Active Member
think back to first civilizations they all used to be in touch with the greater masses in my opinion this means people just want to calm cool and collective archaeologists have found fossil remians of a shaman with two baskets by his feet with more then 600 grams perfectly preserved. also people have been using marijuana for 1000s of years not to get high and act like a bunch of nit wit druggies but to aid any illness or be one with their inner aura

jah bless


Active Member
Nurses are crazy, all of them. Sure its legal to be a nurse.. but all the loony toon nonsence yall put techs, doctors, patients, and the people around your profession is disgusting. I like how nurses also think they are doctors and scientists too! Can you right me a script?? No, well shit bitch take my temp and get me a sucker.

Cannabis heals, I am no doctor and know this to be true. When you are sick and you take something that makes you better.. well fuck nurse what do you think?


I know two different people personally, my home grown shut the doctors up. The doctors told them they have less than 6 months to live. That was over a year ago. Their cancer levels are normal and they are living life. Chemo almost killed them both and now they out doing everything everyone else their age is. One even goes to hit golf balls when they didn't think he would ever get out of bed.

google/youtube. William Courtney MD. Heck ill even post a video for you to watch. There is a lady on there that had lupis, sterile, on over 2 dozen meds, and was told she would never leave bed. She know has kids and is off the 30 meds they had her on.

There is another doctor that is mentioned on riu. I do not remember his name. He ended up going to jail for healing too many people. When googling mmj phd there are dozens of phds talking about the healing powers of mmj. How many phds do you have? Are phds ones to promtome "stoner talk?"

Nurses were bred not to believe in cures. They were programed to find treatments as that's what pays their payroll. Western medicine doesn't cure anything. Where is the money in that? How many caner patients are in the hole half a million because their lovely doctors?

end rant...


Active Member
I'm a Sickle Cell Disease Patient as my name would have suggested, while you being a nurse you should know about the adverse effects of the NSAIDs ( Ibprufen, Naproxen etc... ) given to patients to take regularly for chronic pain
accumulated use can cause both Hepatic & Renal failure . also the Narcotics ( Morphine, Pethidine, etc... ) that causes Addiction and so on.

Although I Still haven't got/tried (due to law and availability) MJ I think it would cover most of my pain killer needs

Given my HBS% usually around 85
had Osteoporosis
Gallstones (done Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy 3 weeks ago)
Spleen enlarged > but now almost unseen by ultrasound
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Cardiac arrhythmia[/FONT]
have underwent 7 operation...

I know i have bored you with my talk, thanks for reading the entire first post :D