

Active Member
So about a year ago was my first grow. I had success. But i only yeild about a halrf ounce to and ounce. I cant use any strong ass lights like hps or mh. Im stuck with cfls but i dont have alot of money. I know how to care for plants. I was just wanting to know if theres any tips i can do so i can maximize my yeild with a cheap setup? thanks


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in this too. But I think you may have to explain a bit more about the actual setup you're going to be using and what your limitations are before anyone can give you any useful advice.

jay cas

Well-Known Member
im a huge fan of cfls for many reasons. first off, are you aware of the lighting spectrum? you need to use blue light (6500k) for growing and red light (2700-3500k) for blooming. some people get confused by this and use tinted red and blue bulbs. dont do that. anyhow, try to trap the light as much as possible. a cheep resoultion would be to buy some white foam insulation pannels and completely incase your plant under the light. the only other way to increase your yeild is to use expensive soils and nutes. i stricktly use cfls and produce between 3-4 zips a plant and harvest 50 plants per grow. however,i keep hearing over and over mh and hps are more efficiant for gonna try em out next cycle and see for my self. my only concern is i only have 5' of head room. i try to keep my plants at around 3'. also grow in a attick so heat is a concern. getting back to the point though, if you can scrounge up an extra 100$, itle be well worth getting some high quallity soil and nutes. oh yeah, the bennifits of cfls are: they dont get hot so you can keep em within inches of your plant and also doesnt raise the overall temp in my grow space, they use less than half the electricity lowwering my electric bill, the bulbs themselfs last 2-3 times as long and are cheaper to buy, the ballasts them selves can be resonably cheap to buy (the ones i use however were 400$ apeice) i also use shitty 8$ ones in tandem. dont worry, the cheaper ones are efficiant for 1-5 plants... heres a thought, if your satisfied with the quallity of your product, just grow 1 or 2 more