Almost 8 Weeks Into Flower, No Yellowing Leaves? (Pics Inside)

Hey everyone,

I have a question. I have a strain called Cherry Bubbah. It says that the flowering time is 8 weeks.

I took these pictures today, which is 7 weeks 1 day into flowering.

Pretty much none of my leaves have gone yellow. The bottom set of fan leaves is just a tad bit yellow / brown / shriveled up but thats it.

Is this ok? Normal?

Heres the pictures.

Thanks in advance.


Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
You havent done anything wrong. A great job actually. Despite many people saying its normal for leaves to turn yellow, it is not.
When you start flushing they should turn yellow. What nutrients are you using? If it says 8 week flowering time, go 10.


Active Member
They'll start turning yellow once you start flushing which is a sign of the nutes getting flushed away from the plant :) I'd start flushing now and then harvest whenever you think is best.


Well-Known Member
You havent done anything wrong. A great job actually. Despite many people saying its normal for leaves to turn yellow, it is not.
My thoughts exactly.

During flushing the yellowing leaves are caused by stressing your plants to the point where they're eating themselves. They're starving.

Only toilets should be flushed, imho.


Well-Known Member
looks great man...keeping it green till harvest is what you want...means you gave it everything it needed....and dont go flushing it and ruining the plant at the end...the last couple of weeks is when it plumps up the most...why would anyone want to flush at the end and deprive it of food when it needs it the most...but looks great..keep it up.


Well-Known Member
They'll start turning yellow once you start flushing which is a sign of the nutes getting flushed away from the plant :) I'd start flushing now and then harvest whenever you think is best.
why would you want to flush the nutes out..this is what aids in the curing process...flushing it will not make it taste better or not be as harsh...proper dry and cure gives you that...the yellowing isnt the nutes being flushed out...thats from it lacking a nutrient and pulling its nutes from the leaves...which isnt good at any time during its growth.never flush at the end..your taking its nutes away when it needs it the most


Well-Known Member
nice work man..looking great..leaves will yellow in the next couple weeks..i say ya have another month before you flush her


Well-Known Member
nice work man..looking great..leaves will yellow in the next couple weeks..i say ya have another month before you flush her
if he is 7 weeks in on a 8 weeks does he have a month left until he "flushes"? so not only are you telling him to flush which we covered why thats a bad idea...but now telling him to delay harvest at least a month more....misinformation like this is what makes a lot of bad growers develop because of this site


Well-Known Member
just because it says it is 8 weeks..does not mean that is the looks like it has a month to go imo...i have never had an advertised strain finish as advertised..have you?


Well-Known Member
My advise to the op.

Sift through the info and mostly opinions here on riu, then browse some of the regular botanical, gardening and agricultural forums for unbiased information to confirm/deny what you've heard here.

Use your head of course, don't ask about mj on a non-mj forum.


Well-Known Member
that plant is not 6 days from being finished, that is not"bad advice" it is a fact dj ruiner..and as far as flushing/not flushing...that is an opinion that is up for debate..i give a final don't who cares?


Well-Known Member
just because it says it is 8 weeks..does not mean that is the looks like it has a month to go imo...i have never had an advertised strain finish as advertised..have you?
yes...pretty much every strain has been on target...give or take a week at most...not a month


Well-Known Member
that plant is not 6 days from being finished, that is not"bad advice" it is a fact dj ruiner..and as far as flushing/not flushing...that is an opinion that is up for debate..i give a final don't who cares?
i never said that its 6 days from being just saying telling him to wait a month then flush (so add on another week or 2 to flush)your telling him to add another 5-6 weeks to a strain that after testing in good conditions finished in 8 weeks.when its ready its ready...but waiting too long on a whim will make you lose thc
Hey Everyone,

Thanks for all the complements! Its much appreciated.

As for the nutes, please dont kill me after reading this. :cuss: ( Unless I deserve it of course )

I never really added any "nutes" to it on purpose. I went to my local tree and shrub place near me and got some of their "top quality gardening soil". Its got a bunch of stuff in it. As for the description it just says " Professional Grade, Secret Blend of Greatness"

So I have no clue whats in it. Its dark, has some twigs and stuff in it and a little bit of while pellets of fertilizer.

Then I read online that Marijuana needs good airy soil and it suggested perlite. So I went and got Scotts perlite that has fertilizer in it and mixed some of it up with the soil.

Thats it. Other than that, I just keep my eye on the PH levels, and treat it with a ton of love. Btw, this is my first grow. If I showed you what it looked like in the start you would be amazed how far it has come and how much i have learned.

So it beats me when it comes to nutes.

Im gonna go get some more pics and add them after this post. A lot more of the pistils have changed color.

i got a magnifier a 30x and 60x. I am trying to look at the trichomes to see the color of them and everything, but cant really get a great look of them without it being blurry. It is plenty smelly though, even my carbon filter which is suppose to do a heck of a lot more is having problems holding down the smell.

Going to to take some pics!