Almost Done Chem Tang DWC Scrog

So i guess i just took pictures at certain times the last two are 7 weeks maybe -3 days the one after that is maybe at like 7.5 or less. My cabinet in picture two is 30 inches by 30 inches and around 5 feet tall i have a 424 cfm fan running for outtake running on a controller usually at 50% or less and there are two 4 inch intake fans from home depot as well as a fan in the setup for circulation. I have a 400 watt set up that is from htg there cheapest ballast and their cheapest bulb but an air cooled hood, and i also bought an inexpensive 400 watt mh from home depot (worked great). The nutes i used were general hydroponic 3 part i liked it and it was easy as a supplement i used the powdered kool bloom as well. My tap water is usually around 60 or 50 ppm so everything is gravy. I also used a scrog net. By the way scrog is the shit i suggest anyone try it tht has a smaller wattage light. If you have any questions let me know. Also let me know if i should do a journal for my next round


Well-Known Member
strange, 9 posts since 2009.ah well stranger shit has happened I'm sure.
Chemdawg x tang tang???
Hey so i cut it down on tuesday which is at 9 weeks and 1 day of 12/12. I dont know if its chemdawg X tang tang the guy i got it from just calls it chem tang so i dont know. And what is trolling?


Well-Known Member
Hey so i cut it down on tuesday which is at 9 weeks and 1 day of 12/12. I dont know if its chemdawg X tang tang the guy i got it from just calls it chem tang so i dont know. And what is trolling?
I'm about to chop one Mob boss, which is what chemdawg X tang tang is known as locally anyway.
Tang tang....
Here's a shot of my Mob Boss, just a lower nug that met with an accident a little early...........



Well-Known Member
And nice job OP, looks tasty. Looks to be yielding more than mine but I didn't scrog. Oh and I'm in soil, I was beginning to feel inadequate . I'll be doing hydro next run and hope for a little better yield, the taste and aroma of it done in organic soil is insane, can't wait for a nice 3 week cure.